Three weeks ago, after being out of our home for more than 2 years (it was destroyed & took forever to get on the same page as the insurance company) we moved back home! The amazing thing, even though I teach how your environment impacts you in significant ways, I was astounded by the level of impact moving back home had on our family!
During those 2 years we lived in a beautiful rental in a country club community… but something about the space never felt quite right.
We didn’t love to be there and named the time, “A year of travel.” It was interesting that even spiders stayed out of the home. Actually, on a side note, there is an important reason for me to share that fact… spiders will not reside in a home that is too toxic, especially if it contains high levels of radon. This made perfect sense given that the rental was built on a quarry and there is tons of ledge in the community. So, if your space doesn’t have pesky spiders, you might want to have it checked for radon or other toxins.
No matter how beautiful, clutter-free, and Feng Shui-ed your environment is, it will never feel quite right if it is too toxic.
Here are some of the changes that instantly happened when we moved back home…
-I have more energy, focus, and creativity. There have been days where I am able to get through mountains of work projects feeling like I was floating down a river with ease instead of trudging up the Himalayas.
-My morning runs instead of having them feel like a grind have energized me.
-Shedding a few pounds have just naturally come off.
-My creativity is at a whole new level that I haven’t felt in a few years.
-Even though I have more going on than ever before I feel a deep sense of peace, gratitude, and happiness.
–Family harmony is at a new level.
These are just some of the areas in your life that shift when your home environment is set up to create success, harmony, and happiness in your life.
Begin to connect to whether your environment (home or office) is a strong foundation for you or not. Sometimes it can be hard to assess your environment and it’s impact on you when you are caught up in your regular routine. Taking time to pause, notice, and reflect on your environment can help you determine if you have a strong or weak foundation. Ask yourself these questions…
-Are you feeling energized, happy, feeling less stress, and living your best life?
-When you come home from being away do you love walking into your environment?
-Take a minute to draw a floor plan diagram of your home. Rate each space on a 1-10 of how it truly makes you feel (10=inspired & energized – 1= depleted & frustrated.)
-Also, do you have spiders in your home? (As much as I don’t love spiders, I have a huge appreciation for the information they give us about our homes.)
Taking the time to determine how your home impacts you and whether it is set up to help you create a strong foundation that will support the best version for your life or not, is critical for you feeling less-stressed, vibrant, and overcoming overwhelm.
Happy Soaring!
PS… Did you hear about the FREE Clutter Clearing 14-Day Challenge? Challenge members are saying things like, “It literally took me only 5 min yesterday and another 5 min today. I feel better already!” Click here to join!