Author Archives: Megan Antlfinger

Attitude of Gratitude this Holiday Season!

I want to take a minute to say “Thank You!” for your patience!! You haven’t seen or heard from me in a bit (about 11 months) and I wanted to give you an explanation! I know that some of you have reached out to say, “Where are you?” and “I miss you”. Thank you for the constant reminders that this is an important part of Home in Harmony!! That said, there is a reason that I took the time off from writing my blog & newsletter, let me explain…

I believe in focusing on one thing at a time and doing it really well. We live in a culture that is scattered & frenetic… this can be overwhelming! Can you relate? Do you race from one thing to the next, never fully completing your goal or at least, not completing the things well? When things in your life are not completed well, you lose the opportunity to be satisfied with each endeavor or proud of your accomplishment. When you don’t actually complete the things or opportunities that come up it creates clutter & overwhelm in your mind and energy. Both of these things deplete, create stress and anxiety.

My number 1 goal for 2018 was to open Home in Harmony Design Studio & Store. I plunged in head first. I knew that I would need to let some things go to make space for this new endeavor… especially if I wanted to do it well.

So, I wanted to say “Thank You” during this time of year which can be reflective and full of gratitude. In honor of these sentiments.. here are some simple ways to include gratitude into this season…

The message of gratitude can sometimes get lost as the holiday decorations come out and the marketing machine of consumerism has one thinking thoughts that have moved beyond the Thanksgiving pumpkin pie to contemplation of festive Egg Nog. Let’s look at what gratitude is and living in a state of gratitude as we move through the season ahead.

Gratitude is an emotional state of appreciation and thankfulness. This is often confused by a consumer-driven emphasis placed on needs and wants. It is interesting that the Thanksgiving holiday based on gratitude is juxtaposed with the consumer driven frenzy of current-day Christmas. When thinking about the two holidays I am amazed at the range of sensations that arise within me. Emotions range from calm to overwhelm while physical responses run the gamut from deep breathes to a clenched jaw. Moving into the season of stress light, it is important to incorporate practices that will foster a sense of gratitude that encourages balance and calm.

Gratitude Journal:

My personal favorite gratitude practice is the gratitude journal. For me, it is a beautiful way to begin each day. It sets the tone for the day ahead and reminds me what I am grateful for, what went well the previous day and makes me walk through my day consciously looking for things that fill me with gratitude.

Gratitude Share:

We have a family gratitude ritual with our children on the nights we are able to incorporate family dinners into the rigorous extracurricular schedule. We go around the table with each person mentioning something they are grateful for. This could be something that happened that day or a continuous circumstance that they are thankful for. There are some nights where they aren’t excited to share anything and instead revert to “I’m thankful for mom’s dinner”. Regardless of what is shared it gives my husband and I a good barometer for where they are mentally. It also instills the practice of being consciously connected to gratitude.

Gratitude Tablescape:

A few years ago we began a tradition during Thanksgiving Dinner to write what we are grateful for on the family tablecloth. I found a neutral ivory linen cloth (you can use a tablecloth or runner) and some fabric markers to begin this tradition. We would write the one thing we were grateful for during the past year, sign it and date it. The fabulous thing about this tradition was that each year you could look back and see what your thoughts were in previous years and it also made you think of what truly filled you with gratitude that was important enough to place on the cloth for your future self to see. I am also able to see what thoughts inspired my beloved grandmother, with her wisdom and grace. This reminder warms my heart and makes me thankful for the years of love and guidance given by this beautiful angel who now watches over our Thanksgiving Dinner.

Including the practice of gratitude in your life can help to move you from overwhelm and stress to a state of blissful balance. Daily, weekly or yearly habits and traditions can consciously connect you to gratitude, which is directly linked to a sense of happiness and well-being… the perfect gift during the holidays.

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



Picture credit: buyerselect dot com/blog/fall-home-decor/

Tv Tips…

San Diego CW Channel 8 invited me to come discuss a few key elements to show you how to make your home feel and look it’s best so that you can feel your best this Spring!

We discussed some of my favorite topics…

  • How to organize the clutter!
  • Ways to add pops of color!
  • How to detoxify the air you breath!

You can get these easy, simple solutions by watching the CW 8 segment by clicking the image below..








I would love to hear how you are creating your Home in Harmony this Spring! Comment and post on our Instagram page!

Happy Soaring!

Christa O'Leary



PS…Don’t forget, we have the FREE 14 Day Clutter Clearing Challenge to support your Spring Cleaning…click here!



You Get To!

It is that time of year!


Here in the Northeast the buds are peaking out of the ground, the air is starting to blow in warmer breezes and the cacophony of birds & peepers are singing their song!

It makes me want to open the windows & doors and allow the fresh air to filter through the house and cleanse any stagnant energy & toxins that have built up over the winter.

Are you with me?

It is such an inspiring and exciting time of year… and I am feeling enthusiastic to embark on a Spring Cleaning!

Here are some ways to add the excitement back into your Spring Cleaning!

Let me give you four quick Spring Cleaning tips or simple solutions to help you create a Home in Harmony!

*Open the Windows!

Allow the crisp, fresh air to circulate around your home to detox the air and move any stagnant energy!

*Swap Winter Garments

This is one of my favs! Putting the jackets, mittens, sweaters and hats away and bringing out the bright colors! A colorful closet adds energy to your space and puts a smile on your face!

*Brighten & Lighten!

The colors we tend to use in the winter season embrace a more cozy aesthetic. Now it is time to brighten up and lighten up! Swap out dark color pillows and throws for something lighter and brighter!

*Décor Adjustment

Take a minute to notice if you have any left-over decorations from the winter holidays.  Anything, including candles from Christmas, placemats with Easter Bunnies or snowmen with carrot noses… I am sure you understand. Is there something in your environment that needs attention? Take a minute to put it away for next year. Even if those items don’t seem top-of-mind, they do weigh you down on an unconscious level.

Take some time to assess your environment and determine what is connected to the “old” energy of winter. Embrace the season we are stepping into by connecting your environment to the seasonal rhythm of nature. Looking at Spring Cleaning through this lens can be energizing and inspiring instead of looking at the tasks as something that is arduous.

“You Get To!” instead of “You Have To.”

What if we looked at all of life through that lens?

Happy Soaring!

Christa O'Leary



PS…Don’t forget, we have the FREE 14 Day Clutter Clearing Challenge to support your Spring Cleaning…click here!

Off-Kilter or Ungrounded??

I am so excited to be back!!

I have been traveling for most of the winter… which if you have been following the Nor’easters along the South Shore of Boston, you know I have been blessed to be elsewhere! That said, being in 12 hotels in 3 months makes you really appreciate home!

This last stretch had me flying from Boston, to the Northern part of CA, to Southern CA, headed back to the South East and onto the islands before heading back to Boston. It was a looong trip with beautiful memories but I noticed that by the 2nd week I began to really feel off-kilter and ungrounded.

I needed…

Something grounding

Something that was a strong foundation

Something that gave support

Something that nurtured

Something that rejuvenated

That Something is Home!

I invite you to notice if your home supports, nurtures, rejuvenates and grounds you.

Is it a strong foundation that you are excited to return to each day or after a vacation?

Or do you need to take action today to make it a supportive, nurturing and rejuvenating space that is your strong foundation?

If it is the latter, what is that one thing? Can you commit to doing it before the end of today?

Go for it! You will be amazed at the impact!

Happy Soaring!

Christa O'Leary



PS…Check out the Home in Harmony FB Page to see pictures and reviews of the hotels and spas that were on the Home in Harmony itinerary over the last few months! We will begin posting those this week!

Get Organized Month!

Did you know that January is National Get Organized Month? It was actually established in 2005!  So, where in your life do you need to get organized?

The thing is, when your home, business or life is disorganized it zaps your energy and mojo.

Think about the last time you walked in to your home and it felt clean, clear of clutter, and everything had a spot… (Hopefully you have experienced this at some point!) But, if you haven’t, think about the last time you walked in to a hotel room that was clean, clutter-free and organized. It makes you feel good! The surroundings give you energy and are uplifting.

The reverse is also true… think about the last time you were trying to find something that was missing in your space, or looked at the stack or pile that needed your attention. How did that make you feel?  Frustrated, exhausted, overwhelmed?

That is what happens when you are disorganized. It is a stamina stealer and takes away your vitality. It drains you and overwhelms you, which has a major impact on your level of energy, productivity, creativity, ability to focus, patience… and the list can go on and on. Basically it plays a massive role in your level of happiness & abundance and has an impact on your relationships & health.

I was on the phone with a new client who needs help organizing her home office. She is tired of looking at the stacks of paper and folders all around her and knows it is taking away from her productivity. She explained, “How effective can I be when it takes me a few minutes when I need to find something?” This is so true and I applaud her for recognizing it and seeking help! Not only will disorganization rob her of her effectiveness, which in her case will have a direct impact on her profitability, but it will also spill over into other areas of her life. If she is frustrated in her space, do you think it has an impact on her level of patience with her family?

Sometimes it is hard to believe that a little clutter or disorganization can have such a major effect on all areas of your life. I am here to tell you it does! It is like the proverbial pebble in the pond that ripples out and touches everything.

Take a few moments to think about what area of your life need to get organized. Is it your space, your financials, your relationships? Whatever it is for you, get started today!

Here’s to January is National Get Organized Month!

Happy Soaring!

Christa O'Leary



PS…If you need a little motivation to organize your space, I have created the FREE Home in Harmony 14-Day Clutter Clearing Challenge to support you! Share the link with a friend who you can do the challenge with so that you have a buddy system and accountability partner! This always helps to move you to new heights!

PSS…If you think you need individualized support with your home…contact me at [email protected] and in the subject line enter “PLEASE HELP ME ORGANIZE”. One of our coaches will assess which program would be best for you!


Image Credit: all thing admin dot com