It is important to create spaces that nurture your Soul, and allow you to feel invigorated and rejuvenated so that you can live your best life. Come home to a place that lifts your spirit and makes you feel fabulous to be in your space. Does your home inspire you?

Off-Kilter or Ungrounded??

I am so excited to be back!!

I have been traveling for most of the winter… which if you have been following the Nor’easters along the South Shore of Boston, you know I have been blessed to be elsewhere! That said, being in 12 hotels in 3 months makes you really appreciate home!

This last stretch had me flying from Boston, to the Northern part of CA, to Southern CA, headed back to the South East and onto the islands before heading back to Boston. It was a looong trip with beautiful memories but I noticed that by the 2nd week I began to really feel off-kilter and ungrounded.

I needed…

Something grounding

Something that was a strong foundation

Something that gave support

Something that nurtured

Something that rejuvenated

That Something is Home!

I invite you to notice if your home supports, nurtures, rejuvenates and grounds you.

Is it a strong foundation that you are excited to return to each day or after a vacation?

Or do you need to take action today to make it a supportive, nurturing and rejuvenating space that is your strong foundation?

If it is the latter, what is that one thing? Can you commit to doing it before the end of today?

Go for it! You will be amazed at the impact!

Happy Soaring!

Christa O'Leary



PS…Check out the Home in Harmony FB Page to see pictures and reviews of the hotels and spas that were on the Home in Harmony itinerary over the last few months! We will begin posting those this week!

Get Organized Month!

Did you know that January is National Get Organized Month? It was actually established in 2005!  So, where in your life do you need to get organized?

The thing is, when your home, business or life is disorganized it zaps your energy and mojo.

Think about the last time you walked in to your home and it felt clean, clear of clutter, and everything had a spot… (Hopefully you have experienced this at some point!) But, if you haven’t, think about the last time you walked in to a hotel room that was clean, clutter-free and organized. It makes you feel good! The surroundings give you energy and are uplifting.

The reverse is also true… think about the last time you were trying to find something that was missing in your space, or looked at the stack or pile that needed your attention. How did that make you feel?  Frustrated, exhausted, overwhelmed?

That is what happens when you are disorganized. It is a stamina stealer and takes away your vitality. It drains you and overwhelms you, which has a major impact on your level of energy, productivity, creativity, ability to focus, patience… and the list can go on and on. Basically it plays a massive role in your level of happiness & abundance and has an impact on your relationships & health.

I was on the phone with a new client who needs help organizing her home office. She is tired of looking at the stacks of paper and folders all around her and knows it is taking away from her productivity. She explained, “How effective can I be when it takes me a few minutes when I need to find something?” This is so true and I applaud her for recognizing it and seeking help! Not only will disorganization rob her of her effectiveness, which in her case will have a direct impact on her profitability, but it will also spill over into other areas of her life. If she is frustrated in her space, do you think it has an impact on her level of patience with her family?

Sometimes it is hard to believe that a little clutter or disorganization can have such a major effect on all areas of your life. I am here to tell you it does! It is like the proverbial pebble in the pond that ripples out and touches everything.

Take a few moments to think about what area of your life need to get organized. Is it your space, your financials, your relationships? Whatever it is for you, get started today!

Here’s to January is National Get Organized Month!

Happy Soaring!

Christa O'Leary



PS…If you need a little motivation to organize your space, I have created the FREE Home in Harmony 14-Day Clutter Clearing Challenge to support you! Share the link with a friend who you can do the challenge with so that you have a buddy system and accountability partner! This always helps to move you to new heights!

PSS…If you think you need individualized support with your home…contact me at [email protected] and in the subject line enter “PLEASE HELP ME ORGANIZE”. One of our coaches will assess which program would be best for you!


Image Credit: all thing admin dot com




Black Friday Don’t!

Are you ready for the holidays or are you already starting to feel the anxiety and stress?

Are you falling for the Black Friday phenomenon that entices you to buy things that you don’t need and will only clutter up your home? Don’t do it!

In this video I explain why buying Black Friday items that you bring into your home will create more stress and havoc in your life and home!

I also share information about the VIP Harmony Bundle that will actually benefit you in a massive way during this holiday season and beyond!

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Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving week!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



PS.. Take advantage of the VIP Holiday Bundle with more than $8000 worth of bonus gifts!



These things will Sabotage You

Is your home sabotaging you or is it your recharging station?

This quick video gives you the Home in Harmony Tip of the Week to help create a space that will rejuvenate you and NOT steal your creativity, productivity and vitality!

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Look around your space and determine what is not in good working order. Set some time aside this week to either fix or throw out those items. This tip is super important because these items are impacting your productivity, creativity, energy and vitality!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



P.S…. What if I told you I had rounded up a few of my dear friends to give you $10,000 dollars worth of LIFE CHANGING products for only $197! These things could change your level of abundance, how you feel about your body, your level of frustration and overwhelm and get you back in the graceful flow… Would you step up and say Yes to this amazing opportunity? Stay tuned for details!



Remove Obstacles & Avoid Health Problems by doing this 1 Tip!

This is a quick & easy Simple Solution to make your space look great, feel like you’ve cleared clutter, allow you to remove obstacles from seeing clearly in your life and avoid health problems.

Your home is a mirror for what is happening in your life. It literally reflects the blocks you are experiencing or reflects how great you are moving through life. If you are having a hard time making decisions or making the wrong decisions or if you are having health problems your environment can show you what is going on!

The great thing is, you can use your environment to make changes in your life. Remember the last time you cleaned out a closet or drawer and you felt lighter and it gave you more energy?

This video will help you begin to see more clearly in all areas of your life! From a Feng Shui perspective, this tip will also help you understand how you view your world, whether or not health problems show up and how to eliminate the areas of health concern.

Watch the video below to get a simple, easy and effective tip to create a home & life you love!

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary