In our ever increasing, fast paced world we are inundated with constant stressors. Including your 24/7 ability to be in constant contact through technology and media. Gone are the 9 to 5 work days, replaced by stressful jobs, parenthood & volunteering with ever increased responsibilities. It is time to incorporate some form of stress management, relaxation and grounding technique that will allow you to take that much needed deep breath.

Just for You! Relief from Stress & Overwhelm…

Overwhelm Image-Are you feeling overwhelmed? I can totally relate! Here’s what I did to overcome the overwhelm

At one point this week I felt that panicky feeling in my stomach that felt like my insides were beginning to do somersaults.  Have you ever had that feeling?

Similar to many families, Team O’Leary (that’s my nickname for my crew) has had a lot going on this year. Some of it exciting, like one child going off to college. Some things challenging to manage. For example 4 kids in 4 schools and multi team schedules.  As the typical family dynamics and obligations unfold there are other items to juggle related to the home front.  Our home is still under construction and as a designer I have a very hands-on approach to that project (much to the builders dismay 😉 and we are still navigating the insurance conundrum. Those are the plates that need to be spun on the home front and then there are plates that need to stay spinning for Home in Harmony. Private clients, group program participants and mentees and design projects. The snowball effect of what this means can seem daunting.

It truly is a whirlwind and it would be quiet easy to allow some of those plates to spin out of control and go crashing onto the ground.  I can honestly say that I know what it feels like to have feelings of overwhelm creep into my world.

When the overwhelm begins to show itself, this is what I do…

It is critical to manage the overwhelm!  In today’s article we will look at some Simple Solutions to help you overcome your overwhelm.

First, it is imperative to mobilize and move into action to move through this experience and get to the other side of the overwhelm. Trust me, there is “the other side”.   Knowing this keeps me moving forward.

Taking time to take a few breaths is also critical. At one point recently I was forwarding emails that were supposed to go to my business manager to my husband. His gentle reply of, “Hi Love, Is this something I need? I love you.” Was a fabulous reminder that when you are moving to fast, it can actually create more work because you are not doing things well which in the end creates more overwhelm.  I then forwarded my email to my business manger letting her know what had happened and she sweetly and firmly said, “Hmm, I’ve been thinking about you and all you have on your plate. Maybe you should take some time to sit down and have some tea.” These lovely people were there to remind me that it is critical to take moments each day to breath deeply especially when you are feeling the impact of a dizzying amount of stress, commitments or overwhelm. We all go through periods in our lives where we experience this. It is how you approach it that can help you either move through it or stay stuck.

Let me share a few simple solutions to help you to overcome your overwhelm

1- Look at the big picture and create a goal around it. This will help you envision where you hope to go. It will give you the needed momentum to keep taking each needed step to move you forward. For me, my vision is of our family enjoying our beautiful new home. I can see the smiles, hear the laughter and feel the warm fire from the hearth. This vision carries me and moves me through the feelings that begin to rise up in the pit of my stomach. What is your vision? Find it, feel it, connect to it. It will pull you through.

2- Compartmentalize the different areas that are creating that sense of overwhelm. Is it related to your personal life, professional life, home space, kids’ activities or clutter? Look at each area separately and create a system for each. Do this by creating goals and task list that are manageable. Take one small step each day to cross of these tasks that are related to the goals in each area. Make them small enough that they are manageable but big enough that you feel like you moved the needle.

3- Take time each day to take a deep breath. (The more of these moments the better.) It actually helps to lower cortisol levels in the body, which can help you think clearer. This helps you make better decisions that will be more effective and efficient.

It is a natural part of living to have experiences arise that can create feelings of overwhelm. Implementing strategies and simple solutions that will help you be more effective and efficient will help you move through your day with more ease and grace. Begin by sitting down with a cup of tea, taking a few deep breaths and writing out your vision of your ideal life and noting the things you will focus on today to move you closer to that goal. This will help you overcome the overwhelm.

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



Image Credit: www dot get healthy u



Here’s How to Release Overwhelm

photo-credit-insights-dot-dice-dot-comWhat if I told you that you CAN move out of overwhelm… even during the holiday season?

We have been focusing on Overcoming Overwhelm this month because this is one of the areas that is most frustrating, according to feedback from the Home in Harmony community!

When you are feeling overwhelmed, the feeling of needing more time creates more stress and overwhelm. I completely understand! When I begin to have the overwhelm sensation creep into my life, I usually ask for guidance from the Universe to make me more efficient & effective with the burdens that are mounting. Well, this week I want to give you concrete solutions to help ease the stress and make your efforts more efficient so that you can move out of overwhelm, get things done and feel relief!

In this week’s article I am going to give you a super Simple Solution to help you make your life easy to manage and make your time more productive.

I also want to invite you to join me for the 4-week Overcome Overwhelm: Make Your Life Easy to Manage Program that begins on January 11th! This program was designed for you if you are feeling the burden of overwhelm, stressed out over all of your to-do’s and feel like you are on a treadmill that is going nowhere fast. This program was created for you so that you start 2017 with a fresh start and clear path to making 2017 your best year yet. Release the overwhelm by joining me for the 4-week Overcome Overwhelm: Make Your Life Easy to Manage program. Click here to register today!

You and I live in a culture where the demands, to-do lists and stressors can pile up and inundate our ability to function well. You might get by but you know there is so much more to living. It should be joyful, vibrant and fun! Maybe not all the time but a good portion of the time! Instead you are set up to experience life in reverse. That is, work first, pressure first, to-dos first and maybe you can fit in that thing called fun or self-care. Is that what living was meant to be?

No! You are here on this earth to have an amazing experience. You can design whatever you envision for the best version of your vision for your ideal life. What does that look like for you?

Let’s look at 3 super Simple Solutions to help you jump off the treadmill of your life and release that dreaded overwhelm. You deserve so much more! I am here to tell you there is so much more than to-do lists and stress.

Isn’t it interesting that often time people seem to wear their to-do lists as a badge of honor? Is it time to shift that perspective for you? Take some time in the coming weeks to notice how many conversations revolve around comparing and complaining about the amount of stuff that needs to get done.  Observing where this shows up for you is the 1st step in noticing the pattern, which will allow you to walk a different path. As they say, what you focus your attention on is what shows up in your life. Begin to focus on ease & release instead of inundation & overwhelm. Things will begin to shift.

Having a simple system will also help you break the overwhelm cycle. Separate out the different areas in your life that need attention. List these things in your journal or on a piece of paper. This will help you be more efficient and effective when you begin to set forth in accomplishing tasks. For example, when I sit down at my computer it is imperative that I focus on one area at a time. I separate the different areas that need attention and I focus on one thing at a time. Depending on the day I might write down.. (1) House Renovation (2) Work Operations (3) Writing (4) Kiddo Stuff for X School. I then set a specific amount of time to focus solely on one thing for that period. If I don’t do that my energy and attention can move back & forth leaving me way less than effective. So, separate the areas in your life that need attention and focus on each are for a set amount of time. This will help you be more efficient & effective which is the 1st step in releasing overwhelm. Imagine what it would be like to move through your day with efficiency & effectiveness! You would be the rock star of your life!

It is important to write down anything that comes up for you that you know you are going to need to deal with at some point.  Having a specific spot to keep this information, be it a small notebook you can fit in your purse or on an app on your phone, will help you be organized. I actually prefer the notebook so that I am not always tied to my technology. Jotting items down that pop into your head helps remove it from your brain. This allows your brain to be free of a pileup of clutter, whether that mind clutter are ideas or to-dos.

The major setback that can occur from to-do lists is that they get so long, they can be difficult to accomplish. Each evening take a moment to figure out the 3 most pressing items on your to-do list. You might select the ones that will give you the most relief to complete. Break these down into small manageable pieces that will help show you the action steps needed to move forward. This will help you gain the momentum to move forward instead of staying stuck in the overwhelm. Commit to sticking to those 3 items before moving on to anything else. Notice how great it feels and the relief it brings when you can cross those 3 things off your list by the end of the day! Celebrate!

When you are stuck in the space of overwhelm it is often hard to begin moving forward. The burden of overwhelm can feel so heavy. This is when it is SO important to just start. Take that first step and move forward. This will help with the momentum you need to overcome overwhelm! Begin now!

It is so easy to get stuck in overwhelm. Today’s world and our culture set you up for failure. You are continuously under siege from a barrage of information overload, a mountain of things to organize, people who need something from you and a to-do list that can be miles long. That is exactly why I created the 4-week Overcome Overwhelm: Make Your Life Easy to Manage program that begins January 11. I want you to succeed and create the best version of the ideal vision for your life!

You deserve to live a life that flows with ease & grace. If you want to gain an understanding of what is working and not working in your life. This program is for you if you want to learn how to identify overwhelm before it takes over, determine what is causing it and redesign the patterns & habits so you can step into your power and take charge! You will get manageable action steps so you can be more, have more and do more without going into overwhelm. Step into 2017 with a clear path to releasing overwhelm and designing the life of your dreams by joining me for the Overcome Overwhelm: Make Your Life Easy to Manage Program. Click here to get started!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary


Photo credit: insights dot dice dot com

Goals Your Manifestation Station

A year ago I declared that my intention for 2016 was  “The Year of Travel”.  Eleven months in, I look back and marvel at how my intention not only came to pass but also exceeded my expectations and hopes on every level.

img_1374I went to Europe on four occasions and spent time in Florence, Prague, Munich and London. On one adventure I witnessed my daughter playing in the World Selects Hockey Tournament against Olympic qualifying teams from Italy and Russia. On another trip I was blessed to stay in Windsor Castle while the Queen was in residence… yes, I was actually invited to stay at the majestic castle!

There were multiple trips to Florida & North Carolina, a family vacation in Charleston, a romantic excursion to the Bahamas and a few adventures out West.

As I write this, I am on a flight to LA where I will connect with friends & colleagues and then fly off to the Hawaiian Islands for both business and pleasure.

img_2559After this whirlwind I am looking forward to staying put for the holidays in our quaint New England town!

Why am I sharing this?  We are in the eleventh month of 2016. Looking back, my intentions wildly exceeded my original vision. Did you realize your goals and dreams this year? If not, let me help you create a quantum leap for the best version of your ideal vision for your life in 2017.

I should not have been surprised that my intention for “The Year of Travel” would take a quantum jump. That is how intention, the Law of Attraction and using your home as a manifestation station create a vortex for dreams to appear at super-sonic speed.

In this week’s article, I will share a few of my secrets on designing the life of your dreams with ease and grace using the quantum power of intention, the Law of Attraction and your manifestation station (i.e., your home or office).

img_1665Our home was destroyed in January 2015 and we fought an epic battle with our insurance company to rebuild. What we thought would be finished by December of 2015 is still not completed today. Subsequently we had to move our family of 6 on two different occasions. Although our current rental is in a beautiful golf club community, it isn’t the same as being home. Last December, when it sunk in that we were in a battle that could last years, I decided to make lemonade out of a lemon situation.

As the New Year approached I decided that my intention for 2016 was to make it “The Year of Travel”.  Instead of dwelling on the fact that we were not in our home, that most of our personal items were packed away in a moving company storage unit and things were very unsettled, I decided to look at it as my opportunity to go adventure. If you don’t like where you are, be it location or home, level of happiness, job situation, in your relationships or physical health & vitality, it is time to make a change! Recognize what is or isn’t working so that you can design a life you love! In every situation there is a way to make lemonade out of the lemons that may come your way.

img_2252For me, home is where my heart is. I love the traditions, roots and nurturing environment that a home environment supports. This was taken away. But, it gave me the opportunity to spread my wings and fly around the world.

What was your intention for 2016? Did you make it a reality? Have you thought about what your vision for 2017 will be?

There is an art to manifesting intentions. Let me share a little tip on how to create a quantum jump in manifesting Your intentions, dreams and vision for your life.

Use your environment as a conscious & subconscious and physical & metaphysical cue!  Yes, your environment can have a big impact on whether your dreams are realized.

Have you ever heard that what you focus on and give your energy to will show up in your life? The more energy you put towards something the more likely you are to see it manifest. This subject alone could take up volumes of shelves in a library.

Well, the thing is, in today’s day and age with the onslaught of information that overrides our senses, it is hard to stay focused on intentions and it is easy to become distracted. (Have you read my article on Information Inundation?) For this reason it is imperative to put physical cues in your environment to remind you on a conscious and unconscious level of your intention, goals and dreams.

For example, a few physical objects that I included in my environment to remind me on a conscious and unconscious level that my intention was “The Year of Travel” included leaving my passport on my bedroom bureau, a map of Maui on my desk and a commemorative coffee cup celebrating the Queen’s birthday (I knew I also wanted to stay in one of her castle’s… which amazingly came to be!)

This is how powerful your home or office environment can be in manifesting Your intentions for Your Ideal Life!!

So, what are your intentions for 2017? What physical representation are you going to put in your environment to help you manifest your dream year and design your dream life?

Set your intention and allow your home or office environment to be your manifestation station!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



Quick Tips for Disruption Chaos

Blog Image 8-9As I sit here on a transatlantic flight above the clouds, returning from the World Select Hockey Tournament in Prague & Munich, I begin to consider ways to make the “re-entry” into life gracefully manageable. With a recent increase in travel, both personally and professionally; I am realizing that a system for keeping family life, health, personal wellbeing and business rolling along as smoothly as the wheels on a plane roll down the runway, is imperative. It made the proverbial wheels in my mind begin to turn thinking about 11 Simple Solutions to make this part of life flow with ease and grace instead of being a tumultuous & bumpy touchdown. We will explore some of the easy action steps you can take to make re-entry from your vacation, getaway and business trip (or your on-the-go lifestyle) a smooth and fluid landing.

As I mentioned in a previous blog, this has been the year of travel.  I think I have traveled more in the last 6 months than in the last 2 years combined.  There have been trips across the Atlantic to London, Florence, Prague & Munich. Adventures North to Minneapolis, South to Florida, North Carolina, Philly, Florida, the Bahamas & NJ, and West to California. Recently I have begun to feel as though I am whirling in and out through a revolving door.

When an abundance of attention is given to one area of one’s life, other areas can begin to feel slightly out of balance or neglected.  This is true with anything and everything. When this happens it is important to develop ways to bring your life back to a state of equilibrium.  This can relate to travel or being on the go as well. In today’s demanding world that calls for travel or the on the go lifestyle, it is important to develop techniques to handle the strain and drain.

If you are always on the go or traveling, whether for business, family activities or fun it is sometimes necessary to find strategize to keep the calm instead of being caught up in the disruptive chaos that this can create.  Sitting on a plane for the umpteenth time made me begin to think about ways to make this process less disruptive and more effortless.

1. Leave your Home Orderly

The way you leave your home can set the tone for your level of stress upon return.  Actually, if you leave it a mess and can stress you out the entire time you are away from it. If there are piles of clutter or items that need to be tended to part of your brain will stay focused on the items that need your attention. This is true even if you are 3000 miles away. Try to make a habit of leaving your home orderly so that when you are away you can focus on the work or fun at hand and when you return it will be with a sense of relief and harmony.

2. Do the Laundry Before you Leave

It is typical to return from time away with items that need to be laundered. Make it a habit to wash, dry and put away laundry before you leave. This will allow you to efficiently and effectively deal with the new items that need washing when you get back without the hassle of a backup of items. It will also allow you to have outfits handy for the day ahead without the need to scramble to find something to wear.

3. Categorize Items

Speaking of laundry, when packing your suitcase to head home, organize it so that your dirty items can be laundered with ease.  Simply separating dirty from clean and color categories for laundry items will save you time when unpacking.

4. Hangers

One of my favorite Simple Solutions is to pack items on wire hangers (because wire hangers take less space in a carry on), which allows you to easily unpack, repack and put away those items.  For me this is a huge time saver.

5. Fresh Linens on Your Bed

There is nothing like coming home to your own bed after being away! I sometimes long for my soft pillow or cozy blanket. Well, I will tell you that it feels even more delightful when your bed has crisp, clean sheets on it! Ahh, it feels so good!

6. Make a Meal Before you Leave

It can be sooo stressful to know that the fridge is totally cleaned out and you have nothing at the ready for your return. Take some time to plan out your food plan before you leave. This will help reduce stress and eliminate the inclination to grab something that is a less healthy alternative just because it is convenient.  Making and freezing a homemade soup or lasagna can be a super Simple Solution that will redirect the appeal of fast food.

7. The Essentials

Ask a friend, sitter or relative to buy a few essential items to have for your return.  I was thinking about ways to make life easier for my own children when they travel one day. It dawned on me that it would be fun to fill their refrigerators with perishable essential items when they return.  I know that my hubby would love to come home to his nightly ritual of a glass of milk and 2 Newman’s Own Oreo cookies. Tonight that won’t be possible because we will have been gone to long for the milk to last. If a parent isn’t available, maybe you can think of a friend or dog sitter that will be happy to accommodate your request.

8. Plan Your Sleep Schedule

When something is in motion I tend to get lulled to sleep. That being said, I do my best to think about the time zone I am landing in and the time it will be. On this trip we will be landing in the evening and are encouraging our kids to stay awake for the entire 8-hour flight so that they will want to sleep when we get home. This Simple Solution only takes a little pre-planned thought but can have a huge impact on your adjustment and level of energy for the days ahead.

9. Exercise

It is amazing how exercise can help how you feel when you are on the go.  It has a huge impact on your mind, body and spirit! Exercising can give you energy, help beat jet-lag and counter all the calories from foods you might not usually eat. Make a practice of sweating for 30-minutes before, during and after you travel.

10. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is imperative whether you are traveling, constantly on the go or not. Drinking plenty of water will help you keep hydrated, stay regular and flush your system.

11. Email Inundation

In one of my most recent blogs I wrote about Email Inundation and gave you Simple Solutions on how to handle this hazard with ease and grace. Click here to take a look and gain some quick tips on handling the blitz of emails that can take over your inbox when you are on the go.

There are ways to re-enter life without the dread that can be accompany the return. Use these Simple Solutions to help you navigate the disruption of your on the go life style.

I would also love to hear from you what your tips and tricks are to overcome the overwhelm when on the go. Leave your comments below or join the conversation on the Home in Harmony Facebook Page.

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary




Safe Haven

safe haven home imageI began to write this blog a few weeks ago but was unsure of whether to further explore the topic. I wasn’t sure if a discussion would add to the sense of sadness or instill a sense of hope. I decided to share my words that were written a week before any violence transpired in Germany because I thought it would be helpful to give you solutions to finding calm in the midst of chaos….

We live in a world of contrast. After a wonderful night out at our favorite Italian café with our kids, we came home to the deplorable news of the attacks in Nice, France. I asked one of our older children if they had heard the news. Their response was one of normalized sadness. What do I mean when I say that? I mean that in this time and space, incidences of mass assaults are becoming part of the world culture. A new norm. In this week’s article I think it is important to talk about this phenomena, what you can do and how you (& we) can instill harmony inside our hearts, our homes and out into the world.

I know that a discussion regarding attacks seems far from a typical Home in Harmony topic of conversation. But, given the global climate it is an important conversation to have if you are to live in this world and feel at peace and in harmony while these occurrences happen at an increasing rate.

I was reading an article in USA Today by an Irish obstetrician who came with his wife & newborn son to the US for a year to be part of a research team. After the year was complete he chose to go back to Ireland and felt a sense of “relief” because statistics demonstrate that he & his family are less likely to be harmed in his native land of Ireland. I found this sad given that the “American Dream” has been about freedom, opportunity and the pursuit of happiness for so many generations.

My husband and I were having a discussion about why terrorists attack specific countries and would our family be safe on our next international adventure that is only weeks away. One of the stops for the World Select Tournament (girl’s ice hockey) is in Munich, which has typically been a safe destination. Ironically, in the same USA Today there was also an article about refugees who have found shelter in Germany. Unfortunately, among the refugees, authorities have found a percentage of evacuees are radicalized and have arrived with the intention to convert others to their religious beliefs or do harm. I am amazed at the scope of the issue.

I share this because it was something that I needed to ponder as a mother who wants to keep her children safe as they travel the world.

I share this because I want to find ways to instill a sense of security and stability in my children, for our family and for you.

I share this because I want to impart a sense of deep peace and inner & outer harmony to you, to your community and the big, beautiful world.

It is important to understand that living in a world that has chaos and violence can have an impact on your overall sense of well-being. Our bodies are not designed to function on a level of danger all of the time. When there is an immediate danger your body goes into “over-drive” sending a cascade of hormones and responses that allow you to get out of harms way. This response was never designed to be the default setting. It is not supposed to be the norm. It peaks, you respond and then it goes back to equilibrium to rejuvenate and restore. By understanding this you can take action to limit the extent of the influence. Unfortunately in a world where the new normal is a place where random acts of violence occur it is important to counter that with stress reducing methods that will help you rebalance and find grounding, harmony and peace.

You can use your home as a cue to connect to the calm instead of the chaos. Your home can be your safe haven and sanctuary to restore, balance and ground you. No matter how tumultuous the outside world gets your inner world can remain stable.

Cues & To Dos

Look around your home and find an object that represents peace, security and harmony. It can be anything from a saying you put on your fridge to a jar of sea glass sitting on the counter. If you don’t have anything, find something that represents the Universe being a safe, loving and protective force in your life. This simple step will trigger the subconscious part of your mind to unconsciously feel peace.

Make a plan to connect your environment with some much-needed deep breathing. Deep breathing allows your central nervous system to calm down and restore. Find something in your environment that will help to remind you to take a few deep breaths. Maybe it is every time you walk through a doorway, turn on your computer or switch a light on. Allow this cue to help you create a helpful habit that will bring harmony into your head & home.

Everyday make a point of reflecting on the beautiful, peaceful things you are grateful for. This will help you focus on the positivity that is all around you. What we focus on expands in our lives. This will allow you to bring more peace into your inner and outer world. You will be a beacon of light that will help illuminate any dark corners.

Our lives are a study in contrast. Finding ways to counter disharmony and connect to harmony will help you thrive in a world where disparity lives. My hope is that these Simple Solutions will help bring calm to you despite chaos.

I would love to hear the Simple Solutions that have helped you find peace when you hear of the sad events that sometimes take place in our complex world. Please share in our comments section! Your comment could help someone who is feeling overwhelmed by the world events!

Wishing you peace, harmony and light!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary