Where Do Your Thoughts Take You?

Blog Image 9-6-2017Where do your thoughts usually take you? Do they meander down a path of beautiful fragrant flowers or wind down a trail of pointed rocks?  Is your home set up to encourage positivity or to exhaust your life energy?

What you focus on creates your reality, so it is important to begin to notice if you are focusing on the positive or the negative. If you tend to focus a bit more on the negative, let me share a quick story on how I changed my thought which helped me turn something aggravating into something I sought out and enjoyed.

I will also share one Simple Solution that you can include in your environment to help you focus on things that bring a smile to your beautiful face!

This is an example of how I caught my thought in midair and changed my mind on how I would think about the experience. Noticing your thoughts is the first step in an awareness of whether your thoughts are dragging you down or helping you soar.

There is about 10-15 feet of rocks between our beach stairs and the sandy beach and lapping water that waits. It can be a bit precarious trying to maneuver let alone carry large items like paddle-boards over. Each step hurts. It can make the strongest among us cringe as their delicate feet try to maneuver the rocks without bending over and wincing in pain.

As simple and silly as it sounds, the rocks are annoying.  We have been blessed to be in this beach cottage for three years. Every day I wake up in gratitude (positive) and then look out the window to see if the tides have carried more rocks in (negative) or washed them out on the currents.

One day this summer, I was about to descend the beach stairs, staring at the rocks and lugging my paddle-board… a memory flashed to my conscious awareness.  It was a recollection of being at the La Costa Spa in Southern California. By the spa pool, I had purposefully chosen to meander a rock garden meditation labyrinth, stepping thoughtfully on the pointed rocks with bare feet. The “goal” was both the mediation and the acupressure benefits that helped the body.

In that moment on the beach stairs, I decided to change my mind on how I viewed the rocks at the bottom of the stairs. Instead, I would set the intention that with each step, a rock would hit a needed acupressure point that would benefit my body. This practice was a benefit to body, mind and spirit.  I actually began to look forward to descending the stairs knowing that I was supporting myself… the dreaded rocks turned into a practice of self-care.

What thoughts in your life are draining you and dragging you down? Is there an area in or around your house that is annoying or frustrating?

Noticing is the first step.

Can you take action to either change the negative thought provoking area in your environment or in your mind?

I would Love to hear from you! Share your example here or on the Home in Harmony Facebook page.

P.S. If you need help changing your home environment or or internal environment (thoughts) from one that depletes you to one that sets you up for happiness & success, click here to schedule your Success Strategy Call to see if Christa can help you!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary




Hurricane Harvey Reminds us of the Importance to Be Informed

We see the images of people fleeing their homes in the flood soaked communities in Texas. It is hard to imagine the fear and uncertainty that has enveloped their lives and become their new reality. In less than 24 hours their world has changed forever.


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We all pray that the water will recede and it will end the suffering. But, in reality, it is just the beginning of their journey to put their homes, lives and community back together. Let’s take a minute to send prayers, love and light to those impacted by the hurricane waters that have overwhelmed the lives of those in Texas.  If you can do more by sending needed supplies I encourage you to make the effort to give to those in need. Our Home in Harmony community can make a difference for those that have lost the foundation they call home.



Christa O'Leary




Wisdom from Coach’s CEO

Blog 8-22-17 ImageCoach’s new CEO, (the former CEO of Tom Ford’s Yves Saint Laurent and Jimmy Choo) Joshua Schulman, understands that “Design really can be transformative.”  One thing I have learned while studying the masters of design, psychology and success is that your environment is the foundation that supports you in reaching your goals of happiness, success, health, wealth, relationships or it can have a detrimental impact on every aspect of you life. Obviously Schulman’s awareness of space has supported his dreams and played an important role in his success. Or, more accurately, multiple successes.

So, how is your environment transforming you?

In today’s article I will give you a 2 Simple Solutions to help you understand whether your environment is helping you live to your full potential or setting you up for breakdown.

Mitchell Owen of Architectural Digest explains that Schulman’s home is “a place where past meets present in perfect harmony.” Schulman’s home in harmony has no doubt given him a solid foundation for his unprecedented success in the world of retail fashion design allowing him to lead iconic global brands. When your space is a sanctuary for rejuvenation it allows you to go out into the world and be the best you can be, whether that is making clear headed business decisions, being inspired creatively, having vibrant health and energy or enjoying harmonious relationships. Your space is a reflection of your inner world. Your space also can transform your inner world so that your life can flow with ease and grace allowing you access to your goals, aspirations and dreams.

First, determine how your space can best support you. If you are an introvert who likes solitude, quiet and clutter-free space, it is important to create a calm sanctuary that supports your need to be nestled in your nest. If you know that a high-vibe revives your style of recharging, then create a space that is in energetic alignment to recharge your proverbial batteries. Recognizing what fortifies you is the 1st step in creating a transformative space that is a solid foundation for your extraordinary success in the world.

Second, notice if your space is in alignment with step 1. When you walk through your door at the end of the day are you certain that your space is going to renew, nurture and support you? If not, what one thing can you do today to begin making your environment a reflection of the life of your dreams?

These 2 Simple Solutions will help you begin to transform your outer and inner world so that you are enjoying the life you were meant to live.  If you are overwhelmed by all the things you “should” do with your space… I have a simple, easy and effective gift for you… the 14-Day Clutter Clearing Challenge.

PS. In the Fall of 2017 we have new programs on the horizon to help you soar! Be on the lookout for these new opportunities!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary






image credit: architectural digest

Action for Anxiety

Clutter Image for Blog-marthastewart dot com 8-4-17Are you ever stressed about things in your life, home or business? Do you wake up overwhelmed before the day has even begun?

I ask because it is a common sensation!

In this week’s article I am going to share a story that gives insight into a simple solution that will allow you to wake up excited for the day ahead instead of dreading the barrage of to-do’s that are waiting for you.

My mastermind “big brother”, Dennis, likes to remind me of what a massive difference the book Home in Harmony: Designing an Inspired Life made for him. He shared that it is 1 of 2 books that he likes to recommend to people and he calls it “a beautiful diamond”.  I share this with you not to brag, but to give you context of this story (and to let you know how important it is to surround yourself with people who encourage, support and believe in you).

Dennis is an action taker. He actually teaches people how to take action on innovative ideas they have created and want to bring to market. On our call the other day, he was excited to share how he uses the information in Home in Harmony to relieve stress and anxiety.  He explained that anxiety is all about the future.  It is a state of thinking that is absorbed and consumed by future stressors or worries.

When you are feeling anxious you are focused on things like:

  • What will happen?
  • What will the future bring?
  • Will I be ok?
  • Will I get this done?
  • Will it all work out?
  • How am I going to do?
  • Will they like me?
  • Will I survive this?

Can you relate to any of those anxiety-provoking thoughts?

These are all questions and concerns related to the future. Dennis explained that the best way to get relief from these anxious thoughts is to take ACTION.

He shared that on a day when he was feeling particularly stressed he decided to take ACTION, any action. He went out and began to clean out his garage.  He cleared any accumulated clutter, organized his things and made it look great….

The relief he felt astounded him. He felt lighter and energized! He felt productive and inspired! He told me, “Christa, it was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders”.  Best of all his sense of anxiety was gone!

This inspiration, productivity and energy carried him through the rest of his day on a high note. He was efficient, effective and clear.

When was the last time you felt clear and light?

So, if you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, what one ACTION can you take today to move you out of your future fears?

Is there a drawer, closet or garage you could clutter clear to help you move out of your stress, anxiety and overwhelm?  Take ACTION today so that your worries of tomorrow will dissolve.

Share your story with me! I want to hear how taking action, removing clutter from your world made you feel inspired, productive and clear!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary




image credit: Martha Stewart dot com

Color Sabotage

Choosing colors can be tricky! In today’s video I give you something important to think about as you decide. I want you to have all of the information possible so you are able to set yourself up for success in your office, bedroom or any other environment you spend time in.

In today’s video I share…

  • The color that stimulates hunger.
  • The color that can take the spark out of your passion.
  • The color that increases your heart rate.
  • The color that makes you cold

The colors you use have a direct and significant impact on your mood, ability to communicate well, and creativity, just to name a few. Let me share a few secrets with you.

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary