Island Inspired Living RoomIt is so important for your health and well-being to understand the what, where and how of toxins in your home.  What they are, where they are lurking, how to avoid them if possible or deal with them if they are already there.  Toxins can be found in the furnishings, beauty & cleaning products, and construction materials in your home.  The air quality within our homes is 6x more toxic than the outside air that is filled with industrial pollutants.  It is time to know what you can do to make your home healthier!

Over the last five decades the creation and use of chemical concoctions and synthetic materials to manufacturer products for the home has exploded.  Thought of as an innovated way of making products cheaper, this ability has inadvertently made our homes unhealthy havens ridden with toxic off gassing.  Most products brought into your home contain unhealthy toxins unless you seek alternatives.  This includes furniture, carpets, paints, window treatments, bedding, towels, flooring, and cabinetry, just to name a few.

Formaldehyde is a great example of a toxic chemical that permeates one’s home and can be found lurking in spaces and places that most wouldn’t imagine.  Remember back to your science class with the glass jars containing smelly solutions that preserved all sorts of interesting items.  The smell wafting through the air was the preservative formaldehyde, which is now considered carcinogenic. Manufacturers currently use it to inhibit the growth of microorganisms in many household items.  Unfortunately it can be found in the furniture, fabrics, and cabinets to lotions and canned goods.  Let’s look at some solutions to this toxic problem…

The first solution is to open the windows!  Again the air within your home probably contains many more toxic substances than the polluted air outside.  Typically, these noxious substances have not been evaluated for health safety.  If they have, they certainly have not been evaluated to see what type of effect the combinations of chemicals have on our health.  Thus, because we live in a toxic soup, it is critical to open windows and allow our homes to breath so that we can breath easier.

The second area to focus on is your bedroom! Making this area chemical free can have a major impact on your health and wellbeing.  You spend a good number of hours in this space, which makes it exceptionally important to create a healthy haven.  Choose organic bedding, towels and low VOC (volatile organic compounds) paint.  Therefore, as you sleep the night away your body can have the full benefit of this restorative part of your day instead of expending energy fighting off disease creating chemicals.

Another easy Home in Harmony Lifestyle solution is to bring plants into your home! They act as a natural filter that actually cleans the air of toxic chemicals.  A plant that thrives whether you have a green thumb or not, (my children will attest that I lack proficiency in that area) is the spider plant.  This fabulous greenery can actually filter the toxic substances found in formaldehyde! I will include a list of plants and the chemicals they filter in my upcoming book.  In a few months, we will have details on how to pick up your copy!

These are just a few of the simple Home in Harmony Lifestyle tips and solutions that will help you to create a healthy home that allows you and those you love to breath easy.

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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