Summer WellbeingIt is hard to believe that the long, lingering days of this steamy summer are beginning to disappear replaced with the need for sweatshirts and blankets to keep warm in the chill of the evening breezes.  Every year at this time I contemplatively look back at the summer sad to see it go but soothed by the many memories created as I watch my children frolic in the ocean, enjoy summer friendships and am able to pause to take a deep breath from the frenetic activity that consumes the three seasons to come.  With a few weeks left before the schedules and commitments began I want to take a look at some simple ways you can embrace the blessings the remainder of the summer has to offer.

Summertime gives us so many splendid gifts to create harmony in our lives. It shares with us an abundance of fruits and vegetables that promote health. Warm days allow us to enjoy the outdoors and breath fresh air, which is good for our body and soul.  It is also a time of rest, rejuvenation and connection.

I often think of the saying “the lazy, hazy days of summer” when wistful flashes of clam shacks, sand between the toes and the smell of suntan lotion come to mind.  It brings me back to my childhood when life not only seemed slower but moved at an entirely different pace.  Those were the days before cell phones, smart phones and iPads.

In those days, people enjoyed the art of connection and communication without the distraction of texting or email alerts. Going to the beach was a cacophony of sounds, textures and visual splendor.  Waves crashing, seagulls squawking and children laughing as they were tumbled about in the sea tickled our ears.  The visual impact of the blue sky with puffy white clouds that were forever morphing into new shapes, the golden sand that warmed our feet and the sparkling water that danced in the sunlight.  Smart phones didn’t pull our attention and awareness away from the natural magnificence around us. Today it is easy to hear the beep, ring or tapping of fingers on a touchscreen to remind us that we have one more email or call to make.

Last summer, I watched a teenage couple walking down the beach. Instead of holding hands or chatting about whatever it is that teenagers chat about these days, they both walked along heads bent down over their phones while their fingers furiously navigated their technology. Initially I giggled at the idea that maybe they were texting each other.  But, those feelings swiftly turned to sadness knowing that they were missing out on truly connecting with each other and connecting to their incredible surroundings.

I invite you to be in awareness of the many gifts that the summer season offers. Take the time to slow down, breath the fresh air, taste the succulent red ripe strawberries and listen to the symphony of birds.  Incorporate the cadence of the lazy, hazy days of summer into your routine and power off to rejuvenate and restore your connection to the world and the people around you.

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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