mobile phone zombiesIt is amazing to think back only twenty years to a time when technology was an imaginary ideal in sci-fi movies and shows. A time when Dr Spock had what looked similar to the flip phones that my teenagers currently carry.  In that twenty year period the ability of technology has unequivocally expanded beyond our wildest dreams while the reliance on technology with its bandwidth of possibility continues to increase.  It is becoming progressively more difficult to fully understand the scope of technological dependence that pervades our culture and lives. It is also important to examine what we are allowing into our lives through technology and what technology knows about our lives because we are inadvertently allowing it in.  These are important questions to contemplate to help find the support that technology can offer without being caught up in the anxiety that it can create.  Finding this balance is critical in living fully, joyfully and in harmony.

Let’s explore…

It is important to ask the question, Is technology an appendage or a constructive tool in your life? This can be a hard question to answer for many because technology has infiltrated so much of our lives.  Adults, as well as children, have become hooked on cell phones, smart phones, iPads, iTouches, computers, TVs, reading devices, and other technological devices.  To fully understand your level of “connectedness” you might ask yourself, “What would happen if you left your phone off for an extended period of time?” Of course, ‘extended’ is relative.  To my grandfather, that might mean not picking it up, ever.  However, to my son, a few hours may seem like an eternity.  Our experience of time in relation to technology varies greatly.  Begin to notice where you are on the continuum and how much time you spend connected, plugged in and absorbed in the technological devices in your life.  What would it feel like to unplug for a portion of your day? Your reaction to this challenge gives you a big hint to your level of technological attachment and whether it is a tool or appendage.

The ramifications of the inundation and over stimulation of technology can affect young and old in many ways.  Three significant negative outcomes include:

First, the rates of obesity and diseases related to obesity are increasing daily because of the sedentary lifestyle that our culture has succumbed to and technology plays a key role in this dilemma.

Second, our lives have begun to mirror the pace of technology. Many feel a sense of overwhelm from the pressures of day to day living which is reflected in our need to multitask which diminishes our ability to be fully present in each moment and instead leaves one feeling frazzled.

Third, due to the speed and ability to communicate 24/7 one would assume that we are more efficient and effective.  Instead, the reality is that the increased exposure to stress on not only a daily basis but a minute to minute basis causes elevated levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) to course through our veins without relief.  This pressure cooker of stress effect that technological advancement has created produces stress and strain psychological and physically effecting performance, blood pressure, immunity and even weight.

For these reasons it is critical to give yourself time each day, each week and as much time each year to unplug and take a deep breath from the taxing stressors that technology exacerbates.

It is also fundamentally important to realize that each click is monitored by on-line stores.  Similarly, surveillance of your habits from trips made to brick and mortar establishments like big box chains or corporate pharmacies occur.  Your habits are tracked so that retailers can entice you to buy specific or similar products.  Marketers are hoping to help take the thinking out of your actions by creating habits that you are unconsciously being directed towards.  You can expand your awareness of these practices by fully noticing advertising such as coupons that are given to you at checkout or companies that automatically pop-up on your Facebook feed.  This ability of carefully crafted algorithms is based on monitoring your behavior with hopes of determining your future behavior. Noticing these tactics helps to place you in the driver’s seat giving you the ability to maneuver through life seeing and choosing your adventures on your terms.

Technology can be a supportive tool that helps you navigate through life. Gone unchecked, it can create anxiety, stress and cause adverse habits.  Being fully aware of all facets of your relationship with technology establishes a solid foundation that brings balance, joy and harmony to your life.

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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