Hotel ImageI love traveling! How about you? It rejuvenates my spirit to look at incredible design inspirations, taste exotic flavors and connect with the excitement of the unknown in new destinations. It is a quick glimpse into what an ideal home and life could look like, if only for the fleetingly blissful moment when you walk into a luxurious hotel room that takes your breath away because it is beautiful, inspiring, organized… (and you know that someone else is going to make your bed!) When you wake up in your new destination you are excited to meet the boundless adventures in the day ahead. On my most recent trip to Miami, I was reminded that every day should include the sensation of boundless bliss! I realized I could share a few simple solutions to help you feel this excited and rejuvenated in your own home! (Well, at least everything except the bed making!) Let’s look at 4 ways you can create those inspired, refreshed, and peaceful feelings that wash over you when you are on vacation so you can feel them in your own home and day-to-day life.  Truly, every day can feel that good!

First, the next time you come home, act as if it is the first time you are seeing your home after you have been away on vacation. Notice what your thoughts are as you initially enter your home. Are you excited to be in your own bed or is the messy closet calling your name? Take some notes on what is supporting you or depleting you.

Second, (and this is the fun part) do something that will inspire you to create your dream oasis! Look through travel or design magazines (or internet sites) and find home design ideas that make your spirit soar. Collect these images to help you connect with what you find beautiful, uplifting and inspiring. Keep a visualization folder of your dream space and life. This will help you become clear on your vision and begin to magnetize or attract this ideal into your life.

Third, start. And, start small. (Ok, not so fun. But, it will get you moving in the right direction!) Take out those notes and begin to work on the areas that are not uplifting, rejuvenating and inspiring and the ideas from your visualization folder that do make your spirit soar. It is best to tackle one small project at a time. Build momentum by beginning with one small project you can be excited about. Each time you complete a project it feeds your spirit and your confidence. This is better than being disappointed that you did not complete what you had set out to do because a task or idea was to grand.

Fourth, it can sometimes be tricky to know where to begin.  At the end of the day, there is a way to help you connect to the feelings of inspiration and enthusiasm for your home, surroundings and life. Take the time to reflect on which areas are zapping your zest for life & home, leaving you drained and overwhelmed.  This is the catalyst for change and will help you create the home, health and happiness you find when you travel.

Each day should feel like a new adventure! If you are jumping all over the place and having trouble navigating your path to the beautiful, organized and inspired home and life you know is possible, contact me for a Free Strategy Session and we can decide if you are a good fit for the Home in Harmony Community and if I can help lead you to a life of home, harmony, and happiness!

Click here to get a spot to speak with me!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary




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