FireworksI hope you are enjoying this amazing season and the last days of 2013!  The New Year is the perfect time to take stock on what worked or fell short the previous year.  It is also a great time to determine what you wish to adjust to help you live your best life and decide how you can be the best version of you. Life is all about learning and growing.  As you move through each day you discover what makes you feel vibrant, healthy and blessed. These experiences teach you what to focus on so that you can attract more of those positive, uplifting and life-affirming moments into your life.

Today, take a moment to reflect on 2013.  Did you fulfill your hopes and dreams for this past year or did some of your aspirations fall short?  Often times we are striving to achieve the next big thing that we forget to look back and see how far we have come.  We may compare ourselves to someone else’s successes or our own new ambitions that we are striving to attain which leaves one feeling unfilled or defeated.  By looking back and noticing how far you have come this year can help to energize your spirit and invigorate you for the next big challenge.  Consciously take note of what you did to help you create an amazing year.  If you have unfilled goals for 2013 and haven’t arrived at the place you hoped to be, the New Year can be a perfect time to put a plan in place to make 2014 the best year yet for your home, body, mind & spirit!  Let’s look at a few simple ways to ensure that you live a happy, healthy and harmonious life.

1. Expansion Letter

Write a letter to yourself from your future self who is writing the letter on December 30, 2014.  That’s right, pretend you are you a year from now! Describe your amazing year and all of the fabulous things you did, the goals you accomplished and what you are currently doing to make you feel vibrant, healthy and happy.  Let loose and have fun with this (after all you are pretending), which is your license and creative freedom to imagine BIG!  This will give you a great guide to determine what your true hopes and dreams are for your amazing life.  This unlocks your unconscious to move you from a space of limited thinking to an expansive mode where all things are possible. And, as Albert Einstein once said “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

2. Clarity

Look at your future-self-letter and pull out goals and aspirations you hope to achieve in the coming year.  Is it… a healthy body…  a calm mind…  harmony in your home… to find and live your passion and purpose?  Whatever it is write these goals on a piece of paper. When we become clear on our goals it is much easier to move towards achieving them.  Be as clear, concise and specific as possible.  “I want to be happy” is a great idea, but to live in a state of happiness you need to clearly articulate what that means to you.  What would you be doing that would help you live in a state of happiness.  What would you eliminate from your life.  Moving from a vague sense of what you are hoping to achieve to a well-defined vision will help your dreams become reality.  Use pictures, words and feelings in your descriptions.  The more concrete you are the easier it will be for you to live the life of your dreams.

3. Plan

Put a plan in place.  Now that you have specific goals that you hope to fulfill in 2014, it is time to pull out a calendar and determine what you can do and by when you plan to do it, to make your dreams a reality.  Break your goals down into manageable and achievable parts that you can systematically make happen.  When you create a system to achieve your goals by set times, you become unstoppable! Just make sure that you break down the steps into bite-size pieces that you can truly implement, otherwise you could become overwhelmed or exasperated with yourself, which could throw you off track.

In the moments of doubt (which we all feel at some point or another) look back at the letter your future self wrote to you… this is your inner guide or cheerleader letting you know that anything is possible!  You can do this! Cheers to making 2014 your best year yet!

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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