Post LightsRecently I have been asked on a variety of occasions to share my insights on building a business, becoming an expert in my field and the explaining how the book publishing world works.  I was even approached to write a chapter in a book geared towards entrepreneurs that would help them find the passion and purpose in their life and relate it to their business endeavors. My observation is that successful people, whether in the personal or professional realm, have similar characteristics and behaviors that lead them along their path and help to catapult them to the next level.  In my experience these traits and attitudes make the difference between someone realizing their goals and dreams or not.  The article ahead will give you a few insights that can help you begin to walk along the path towards your ultimate life. These insights can be utilized both professionally and in your personal life.

There was a time, as I traveled my life’s path that it didn’t completely make sense to me and it seemed to meander in irrelevant directions.  What I came to realize as I look back at my route is that it was filled with light posts that illuminated the way.  It is my belief that these light posts illumine the synchronistic events in one’s life, and ultimately lead one along their course, guiding and revealing the infinite potential of possibilities. These light posts help guide you at pivotal moments to help create the life and business of your dreams. If we are tuned into the guideposts they light the way. I look back along my journey and see the string of beautiful glowing lamp posts that helped me to navigate the crossroads, listen to the whispers of inspired insight, be open to the possibilities, and take inspired action that allowed me to create each successful business that was realized and a dream life that was encouraged to unfold and grow.

The first time light posts begin to twinkle and draw me towards the world of entrepreneurship I almost ignored the whisper or nudge. It was a rainy, grey cold New England fall day when even the vibrant fall foliage seemed to be dreary. I was supposed to go golfing with a new friend, but as a fair weather golfer, looking outside, it didn’t look like my kind of golf day.  Something inside me nudged me to move from my warm, cozy bed in that early morning hour.

When we made it to the country club the caddies grabbed our bags, and we went inside to find some hot beverages to warm our fingers. As we began to make our way out to the golf carts we realized that our clubs had inadvertently been placed in different carts. The two of us, new found friends, were both disappointed because we were excited to play together and get to know each other better. The caddies had placed us in the same foursome so we decided to keep things as they were and stay with our respective partners so not to be rude.

I jumped in the cart beside a lovely older woman with silver hair, funky glasses and a dynamic demeanor who, I learned, was a successful business owner of an interior-furnishings boutique in one of the nearby bustling communities. She asked me to drive which was a small price to pay for what I later would realize was a wealth of knowledge she would imbue.   As we bounced along the cart path I curiously asked questions about her business, “What it was like being a business owner?” “How best to start a business?” and “How do you know it is the right business for you?”  For nearly five hours her enthusiastic words, seasoned perspective, and strong opinions made the wheels inside my head begin to spin.  Looking back, I see the golf cart adjustment as a divine interference.  It was a light post that twinkled and began to move me along my path on that wet, grey New England day.  The gift of this conversation inspired me to think outside my comfort zone, allowed me to imagine the infinite possibilities, investigate how to make it happen, and motivated me to take action.  I was so thankful that the whisper of my soul moved me out of bed in the wee hours of that cold morning.

Many successful people in a variety of situations hear a tiny voice inside their head that provides a suggestion, or hints at something that will move them along their path to success.  The majority of people ignore this call. Most rationalize it as a fanciful thought that could never be brought to fruition. The mark of a successful individual is that they hear the whisper and pay attention to the message.  It is as if a switch is turned on and the light post is able to illuminate the path ahead.  It is a person’s willingness to listen to the call and move through the illusion of self-doubt that will allow them to cast light on the shadows and reveal the clear passageway to fulfilling their ultimate purpose and destiny.

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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