RunnerT Harv Eker wisely said, “How you do one thing is how you do everything.” Looking at life through this lens can give you such incredible insight into your behaviors, habits, relationship, home, body and mind. Take 48 hours to notice how you do all the little ‘one thing’s. Do you procrastinate, rush, over-think, become scattered or distracted? These are a few of the many ways people show up in their lives. Taking the time to notice how you show up in yours allows you the opening to evaluate and determine if the way you do things is really working for you.  It gives you the power of choice and the opportunity to change.

As you decide to keep or clear the behaviors that have become habits in your life you will notice how other areas begin to adjust as well. Cleaning or detoxifying one area of our life shifts our being-ness and clearings are manifested in other areas of our life.  When the ripple of change, growth and awareness shifts in one area all other areas are touched.  The way we show up can shift and be reflected in our home, body, mind and soul!

As I ran on the equestrian trails through New Seabury, past the inlets of Ockway Bay and along the shores of Nantucket Sound, I realized that how we show up in any area of our life is a direct reflection and representation of how we show up everywhere in our life.

Running down the slopes of the winding path I realized that I was holding myself back, assessing, before I allowed gravity to speed my pace and take me effortlessly down the trail.  “Interesting”, I thought to myself. This was  a direct reflection of how I sometimes showed up in life.  Actually, if I was being honest with myself, it was a direct reflection of how I show up in this lifetime all the time.  Instead of just allowing and going with the flow, I assess the situation. I make sure that I am going to be safe and not trip over something in my path.  This hinders the natural flow, ease and momentum of my run and can slow the graceful evolution of synchronistic events in my life.  Do you move with ease and grace down the slopes of your life?

I am up for the challenge of the short, steep inclines that stand in my way as I traverse up the sandy path.  “Interesting”, I think to myself, do I enjoy the obstacles that life brings as much as I enjoy the conquest of the hill ahead? Is it the satisfaction of the accomplishment that makes me stride and strive along?  How do you meet the hill ahead?

Little bugs bite at the salty sweat that trickles down my legs. The distraction stops me, for a moment, in my tracks.  I refocus and continue along my journey.  Is this similar to how I handle distractions in life? The realization that this was a distraction and awareness of it (or them) allows me to mindfully continue on my journey.  Are you easily distracted from your vision? Can awareness penetrate through to your consciousness?

The distraction awakens my awareness.  I set out on this morning run to detoxify my body, enjoy the wonders of nature around every turn that bring a sense of peace and calmness to my mind and to contemplate and connect to the Divine that nurtures my Soul.

As I return to the little cottage by the sea, I am intrigued that I have decided to do a bit of cleaning and clearing.  Again, I think to myself, “Interesting”. I am actually looking forward to cleansing, cleaning and opening windows to let the sea air in to my home.

Cleaning or detoxifying one area of our life shifts our being-ness and clearings are manifested in other areas of our life.  When the ripple of change, growth and awareness shifts one area all other areas are touched.  The way we show up can shift and be reflected in our home, body, mind and soul.

This morning’s run let me witness how I show up for my journey.  How are you showing up in yours?

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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