Gal With Sticky NotesThis year, more than ever, I have observed families and individuals trying to shift gears and move into high speed over-drive because of the demands that are inherent in the Fall season, and in the expectations that have been placed on them by others or themselves. This whirlwind of over stimulation, endless to-do’s, and need to be in constant motion, or productivity can tax our body, mind and spirit leaving us feeling drained, overwhelmed, and exhausted.  This formula sets one up for sickness and sadness. Let’s look at how this happens and simple solutions to move from this unbalanced condition to a state of harmony, equilibrium and vitality.

In the last month we have accelerated from the gentle swing of summer sunshine energy to the ramped-up rapid frenzy of activities, school agendas and work deadlines. This increased pace that is a natural part of the cadence of growth and expansion during the Fall season has shifted into over-drive leaving the passengers on this speeding train feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Living in this perpetual state wears the body down by producing stress hormones that course through the body.  When left on, stress hormones create havoc for the system overall, leaving you feeling run-down or sick.

For me, I hit the Fall season running.  My pace wasn’t the 10-minute mile that I can sustain for miles upon miles.  Instead, it was an all out sprint.  Juggling new schools, a plethora of extracurricular activities, carpool schedules that needed organization, and a work trip that included 12-hour days and a red-eye flight home.  This coupled with restaurant food and a lack of sleep led to the feeling of hitting a brick wall.   My body finally took matters into it’s own hands and said, “We are stopping, NOW!”  I succumbed to a flu that left me unable to move out of bed for 2 days.  I tried to write during this down time, but found that my headache and brain fog would not cooperate. There is such divine magic in the human body! I still wanted to press forward even though my body was saying I needed a break. It then created an additional condition so that I had no choice but to recuperate and rejuvenate. When I finally stopped pushing, and took the position that I needed to rest, the stress hormones were able to dissipate and my body was able to begin the process of moving back into balance which allowed healing to occur.  Let’s look at 3 ways to help you move from the stress and strain of daily living that can wear down the body and shift you into a state of vibrant vitality and harmonious calm.

1.  Take a ‘Time-Out’

We all need the opportunity to recharge our batteries on a regular basis. You can do this by incorporating a ‘time-out’ into your routine whether it is on a daily or weekly basis… or, better yet, both! Find a few minutes each day to center yourself, become grounded and nurture you! For some, that might be taking a few moments in the day to sit quietly and read a book while sipping tea or enjoying a bath at the end of the day.  Whatever that ‘time-out’ is for you, it is imperative to include it in your life.  The amazing thing is, studies have shown that when you take a moment to recharge daily, you are able to be more efficient and effective as you move through your life.

2.  Create a Sacred Spot that Allows You to Unwind

Your home can be a great source of comfort and support in your life. Creating a spot within your home that is a retreat, or sacred spot to help you unwind or recharge your batteries can have a huge impact on your overall sense of wellbeing.  This special spot, whether it is your bedroom, bathroom, creative room or designated meditation place can have a tremendous benefit on your feeling of balance which impacts your health, harmony and happiness. Tune in to where in your home this special oasis exists and make it the best it can be to support and nurture you.

3.  Superfood Fuel & Detox the Toxic Body Burden

Incorporating a clean eating lifestyle along with a regular detox program will allow your body to run optimally. Clean eating ensures you are putting ideal fuel in your body to allow it to run to its peak potential. Remove the toxins that build up in your body and become stuck from restaurant food, packaged food and the fun cocktails you might have enjoyed while looking at the summer sunsets. Detoxing gives you the opportunity to hit the reset button on your health and vitality! It clears away the hundreds of toxins that become stuck in your body from daily living.  The build up of these toxins creates a toxic “body burden” effect, which induces a similar consequence on your system that stress hormones cause.  Thus, leaving your body weakened and unable to fight off dis-ease, sickness and depression.  Detoxing regularly and incorporating a clean eating lifestyle will help you to feel balanced, healthy and vibrant!

Use these three Home in Harmony Lifestyle Simple Solutions to help you maintain your equilibrium daily and turn to them during periods of stress and overwhelm. Take a few moments each day and gift yourself time to recharge you, give yourself wholesome foods that support great health, remove the inundation of toxins in your system with a regular detox program and create a special spot in your home that allows you to relax, unwind and rejuvenate you!  These will help bring your body, mind and spirit back into balance, harmony & great health!


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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary




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