Beacon Hill BookcaseRecently I was asked if I could elaborate on what I mean when I speak of the importance of de-cluttering one’s home.  Overtime and through the course of participating and teaching many classes I have found that when a question comes up for one individual, many people can benefit from hearing the response.  So, today I am going to answer the question of one in hopes that it will benefit many. Fortunately, this is the perfect time to take a look at clutter with the transition of summer to fall.

Most people have been taught that the New Year begins in January with confetti, champagne and fireworks. For me, I have always thought of the beginning of the new school year as a fresh start of time and place.  Even the years where I was not tied to the physical constraints of the school cadence I found the rhythm of changing winds made an internal shift at my core.  The summer was a time of freedom, play and relaxation followed by the crisp breezes that brought structure and a roused sense of determined action.  Sea and sand exchanged for activity and to-do lists. One way I was able to maneuver gracefully in the changing winds was to organize my place, and clear my space in preparation for what was to come. This preparedness action is similar to prepping for a tumultuous incoming storm.  It can give you clarity and energy to meet the demands of the natural momentum of the season ahead.

Your home influences your ability to move with effortless grace through each day.  Creating an organized, clutter free space gives you a sanctuary that nurtures you and supports you for expansion and clarity.  This foundation allows you to go out into the world and soar.

The trick to clutter clearing is to take small steps that will have a big and lasting impact.  The last thing you want to do is embark on too big a task and stop before you’ve reached the finish line because of overwhelm.  Similarly, you don’t want to only finish one area and lack the motivation to move to other areas.  Begin small and allow the momentum of manageable achievements motivate you. When I suggest small, I really mean small.  A drawer or closet is a great option. When you are finished with that first area notice how you feel. Perhaps lighter as if a weight was removed from your shoulders?

That’s the thing with clutter, it becomes a heavy burden that you carry with you whether you are in your home or not. It drains your energy as you ruminate over the clutter whether you are staring at it in the closet, or thinking about it from your work desk.  Taking action and beginning to clear the weight will free you from the heaviness that clutter creates in your life. Think about the last time you cleaned your room and how great you felt after. Imagine that feeling every time you walk in or out your home.

Taking the time now before we transition to Fall can help you navigate the cool winds of change without the cumbersome weight that clutter creates.  This will allow smooth sailing as you prepare to meet the demands of the season to come.

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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