Birds NestWhen I opened my front door today a bird flew out of the wreath hanging on the side of the house.  I suggested to my daughter she take a look inside the wreath to see if there was anything interesting to see.  As I had suspected, she exclaimed that there were two tiny blue eggs nestled into a nest among the silk flowers! We all climbed up on the front porch bench to get a bird’s eye view inside the home that the mama bird had created for the two blue miracles that lay inside. The sweet scene reminded me of the blessings of my own family and home that I nurture and cherish with all my heart.  It made me think of how I love to share ways for you to make your home a nest that will support you and those you nurture to help you meet the day ahead and fly to new heights.

One of the main focuses of Home in Harmony Lifestyle is to create a home environment that is truly your nest.  Similar to a mama bird creating her nest with the sole intention of building a space that is safe and secure to lay her eggs and allow her hatchlings to survive, thrive and eventually fly, I want to share insights that will help you build your nest so that you can soar.  Let’s look at one easy lifestyle solution that can create a huge impact.

Your home either supports and nurtures your life goal’s or they deplete you of your energy which does not allow you to thrive or fly. The first step in creating a supportive space is to decide what you most need from your home and name it or set your intention.  If you are a writer and envision a peaceful sanctuary your intentions are going to be different from a family with active children. Setting your intention for the space allows you to stay focused on what exactly you are trying to create. Naming the intention allows you to visualize what aligns with your intention and what is incongruent. This allows you to walk around your home and determine what things should stay or go based on your vision. This is also true when finding new items to bring into your home. Ask yourself, does this support my intention which supports my overall goals and needs?

I recently read an article about Rob Lowe in Architectural Digest. He explained how he and his wife decided what type of environment they wanted to create for their family home in California before they began the design process. This allowed them to create a space that was congruent with their overall family needs, life vision and hopes for their home. They chose to make their grande house feel like a comfortable, child friendly oasis that welcomed kids and dogs to run free. By thoughtfully examining, deciding and naming what they needed from their home they were able to create a home that best supported their vision and intentions for the family.

Quick Tips to Create Your Nest!

Name it & Claim it

First, name the intention for your home that will best support you on your journey and allow you to fly. Take some time to think about what most inspires you. Make a list of activities that you love to do at home and begin to create the space into a foundation of consistent encouragement and inspiration. Maybe each room has it’s own special purpose. Name it and claim it for each room and for the space overall.

Evaluate & Clear

Next, begin to evaluate the current space to determine what is in alignment and supports your intention and vision for your home and overall life. Clear those items or change the areas that do not support these goals. This means truly looking at the items in your space and consciously determining what types of memories each item holds.  If the memories are positive, inspiring and in alignment with your vision, by all means keep it to support you in your nest and life.  However, if the mementos, paintings or furniture have negative vibes from past experiences or negative people then it is time to let them go and make space for things that support you.

Evaluate & Align

When deciding on items to add to the space, choose things that are in alignment with the goal for your sanctuary and your overall big vision. Remember, less is more.  Adding things slowly and consciously is better than going to a big box store and finding items without meaning. Imagine what it would feel like for your overall sense of wellbeing if everywhere you looked in your nest, positive memories would bubble to the surface of your consciousness.

These simple steps will help you build a strong, supportive nest. This will allow you to survive, thrive and fly!

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary




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