Inspired Wisdom From a 6th GraderSometimes we are so busy in the daily to-do’s of parenting that we can miss the beautiful diamonds that stand before us as our children’s light  and inner knowing hold more wisdom than we give them credit. It is interesting that in our society the sacredness of the inherit wisdom of the soul found in our young is lost.  A jewel of wisdom shone brightly and caught my attention when asked to print out my 6th grader’s essay due to the lack of ink in the kids’ printer. I took a minute to glance over her words and was awe struck. Behind some grammatical errors were insights that many adults miss over a lifetime. Interesting that our young often hold the key to remembering the sacredness, curiosity and willingness to explore all aspects of life, including the openness to change that creates a more meaningful and Inspired experience on our life’s journey.

In Kiley’s words…

“To change is to pass from one state or condition to another. Moving to Hingham was a big change in my life. I used to live in Glastonbury, CT. My family and I lived in a big house, in a massive neighborhood with lots of kids to play with. It was the summer of 2009 which was the summer of third grade for me. It was an ordinary day on the beach and my parents were talking. They called my three siblings and I over and told us we were moving. Lots of things changed when we moved to Hingham.

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” is a famous Winston Churchill quote. In my whole life, I had never stepped foot in the town of Hingham. Now, I was driving down Main Street in search for a new place to call home. We had a very nice relator named Rosemary. The thought of buying a new house was exhilarating because I had lived in the same house my whole life. After looking at tons of houses we finally decided to move to Central Street. I started fourth grade at Foster School and loved it! My teacher was really great and I made lots of new friends. Hingham has a girls hockey team that I could play for. Also, my house is close to the town square and shops like Nona’s Ice Cream. I can walk there very easily now. I am much more social because there are lots of clubs and activities that I can get involved with. Those are a few things I wouldn’t be able to do if I still lived in Connecticut.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “When your finished changing, your finished”. My life changed in a positive way when my family moved to Hingham. I changed into a better hockey player because Hingham has better hockey teams. Also, I have become more social because Hingham offers more clubs, events, and activities that I can get involved with. I can be more active, I can bike and walk to many places like the Recreation Center. None of this could be possible if I hadn’t moved to this wonderful town!”

These words make me ask, how do I embrace change and when has change had a powerfully profound & positive impact in my life? I am thankful for the many conscious awarenesses that came from this essay. It gave me the opportunity to witness the insight and inherit wisdom a 6th grader can hold and the diamond jewels of knowledge that can shine so brightly from within if we are willing to look, listen and acknowledge.  It also gave me the opportunity to look at how I embrace change in my own life.  Change allows growth, opportunity and inspiration into our lives. Can you see the gems of light and growth in your life?

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary




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