keep-calm-and-take-care-of-yourself-55In our culture self-care is often seen as an indulgence instead of a necessity. This perception contradicts the reality that studies demonstrate. That is, self-care creates inner calm, a healthy body, more creativity & inspiration, greater efficiency and effectiveness.  In this week’s article lets look at self care and how your home can be utilized to form the foundation to take care of you so that you can live your best life!

Have you ever gotten “the look” when you tell someone you have gotten a massage? You know the look; it has the critical indictment that you are sitting around lazily eating chocolate bonbons all day.  Instead, in our current culture, anxiously racing around focused on a to-do list that is miles long is worn as a badge of honor.

Our society promotes and idealizes those that swiftly move through life while taking on mountainous loads of responsibility.  More is seen as better, a larger to-do list or excessive responsibility is applauded.  Taking time for you is often seen as a weakness or gluttonous.  I invite you to examine how you feel about self-care. Do you see it as something only necessary for certain situations or people? Are you willing to incorporate it in your life? Taking time to examine these questions will help you clear away any unconscious feelings associated with self-care that might be buried deep in your subconscious mind and hindering you from incorporating this important dynamic into your life.

Studies have demonstrated that self-care (be it massage, time in nature or reading your favorite book to name a few) can have a tremendous positive influence on your body, mind & spirit. These studies also demonstrate that when you are involved in task-oriented situations you are more efficient, effective and creative when you incorporate self-care in your life.

Often times we go through our daily lives expending energy and we don’t take the time to fill our proverbial tank. This leaves you feeling depleted. Take some time to think about what truly brings a smile to your face, joy to your heart and a sense of contentment. Is it playing hockey, going to a yoga class, watching birds dart here & there, or painting? Whatever it is for you, add more of these activities into your day and week.

You can include your home in your self-care ritual.  Do you have an area in your home that nurtures and supports you? Do you have a favorite spot that you love to go and sip some tea? Create a little oasis within your home that is a respite for you to steal away when you need a moment to recharge. Studies show that particular colors and objects have a direct impact on your physiological and psychological well-being. Begin to notice how colors make you feel. Could you include an object in your space that brings a smile to your face? These simple tips can help you begin to create a home environment that is designed to inspire, nurture and support you in living your best life.

Here are a few things to consider:

What does self-care mean to you?

What are your current self-care habits?

Can you include more activities that fill you with joy?

How could you include self-care into your life? What would that look like for you?

Is there a space in your home that nurtures and supports you when you are feeling depleted? If not, can you begin to create this special area?

You were meant to live a life filled with joy, harmony and ease. Implementing self-care into your daily ritual will expand your capacity to be more creative, feel healthier, increase your ability to effectively tackle that to-do list and create greater focus and success. Use your home to support you in implementing positive habits that will allow you to create the life you deserve!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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