It is important to create spaces that nurture your Soul, and allow you to feel invigorated and rejuvenated so that you can live your best life. Come home to a place that lifts your spirit and makes you feel fabulous to be in your space. Does your home inspire you?

Is Fear Creating Your Clutter?

Clutter PictureClutter can get the best of us! Even when you are organized it is amazing what you can find in a closet that you know longer need. Going into homes to help showcase them to sell or create a beautiful environment to nurture inhabitants gives me the inside scoop on what is truly happening behind closed doors in our culture (whether those doors are the front door or a hidden cabinet.)  The amount of Stuff is unprecedented! This is evident in our homes and lives!

It happens to the best of us, despite one’s efforts to keep clutter at bay.  Here’s why…

Fear is the number one reason people hold on to Stuff that clutters their homes and lives!

Today I walked through a beautiful old home with majestic waters views and was amazed at the amount of Stuff that would need to be removed! Many items needed to be donated, stored or thrown out.

Can you relate?

The homeowner had trouble parting with items even when she considered many items “tacky”. The dilemma was that these items held memories that she was afraid she would give up or lose if she let go of the physical object.

Do you have items in your home you only keep because they hold memories of times past?  They are stored away because you really would prefer not to have them out in plain sight?

Is it time for you to clear this type of fear-based clutter from your home & life?

Maybe it is time to come up with an alternate plan for these hidden memory mementos. Below you will find 2 Home in Harmony Simple Solutions to help you get the clutter under control.

Do you feel you need an individualized plan to bust through the block that clutter creates in your mind and home? Is fear-based thinking sabotaging your version of your best life? Please know there are simple solutions to get you to where you want to be…Let me help you find simple solutions that will release you from the clutter.

Click here to grab a time on my calendar.

Home in Harmony Simple Solutions:

One Home in Harmony Simple Solution is to put together a scrapbook that stores images of these memory mementos. Yes, take pictures of your favorite items you refuse to put out on display and place them in a scrapbook. Does that sound crazy? A scrapbook filled with images of objects in your home? This will allow you to “hold on to” the memory mementos that are a reminder of times past without cluttering up your home taking up excessive storage space . If that seems silly, then maybe it is time to decide whether or not you can part with the keepsakes all together.

The second Home in Harmony Simple Solution is to face your fear!  Sometimes holding on to items is based on feelings of apprehension about the future. As you look at an object, ask yourself, “Why am I compelled to keep this item?” Is it because you are afraid that wonderful memories won’t be experienced and created going forward? These questions will help you get to the root of why you hold on to these objects.

When you release this block that’s congesting your home and happiness you can step into your full power.  Seeing the impact of fear based living inspired me to GIVE you a FREE Shift Your Life Strategy Session to help you clear the clutter from your home & life, connect you to a positive belief system and help you to take clear action to create the home, life and business of your dreams!

Click here if you want your FREE session now.

Gaining clarity around what objects are in your home and why they are there will help you create harmony in your home.  Understanding how this is holding you back will release the fear and move you forward to design the life of your dreams…  YOU deserve to be free of the clutter that holds you back from creating the BIGGEST and BEST version of your home, happiness and life!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



P.S…If you need clarity around the clutter in your home and life let me help you get clear, unstuck and move beyond the fear that is holding you back from your Home in Harmony!

Click here to secure an appointment with me.







Buon giorno! Do you need a little spice in your life?

Image Newsletter 5-12Boun giorno! This note comes to you from Italy! Traveling is one of my favorite things to do.  You get to see amazing new sights, meet incredible people, explore cultures that are so different from your own and step out of your ordinary day-to-day experience.  It also gives me a new-found appreciation for home and life when I return.

The amazing thing is you don’t have to go far to experience the energizing shift that traveling to Italy or anywhere in the world creates. Experiencing something new can happen just outside your front door.

Traveling entices me to notice the ceilings, bathrooms, flooring and every nook and cranny of buildings, inside and out. You can check out the design and architectural elements that I captured from Italy on my Home in Harmony Face Book Page. Incredible inspiration comes from these moments.

We live in a world where it is easy to get stuck in a rut and not notice the beauty and exquisiteness of life that abound. There are a few simple solutions that can move you out of this stagnant space and help you begin to explore the splendor.

First, notice your habitual patterns that make up your day and commit to changing at least 4 things in your daily routine. It can be as simple as driving to work a different way. No need to travel abroad to get a different perspective! When you change the monotony of the things you do consistently you will feel a shift in perspective, energy and vibrancy.

Second, choose something new to explore. Maybe you have been contemplating redoing something in your home but are unsure if you should or really want to. Begin by looking in magazines, on the Internet or exploring open houses in your neighborhood. This will open you to what is out there, what your options are and if you like varying items. Thus, giving you a new perspective. It will also make you look at your home from a new vantage point when you walk through your door.

Third, move or remove two items in each room of your home. This is a fun way to give your home a little lift. It will also help you to “see” your space from a fresh perspective. It is natural to become so accustom to each room in your home that you no longer truly notice the rooms or items within each room. It virtually fades into the background of your consciousness.  By moving or removing a few items your home will come back into focus with a crisp and rejuvenating outlook.

Noticing new things and breaking up daily habits can give you a renewed sense of vibrancy in your life and home.  You don’t need to travel to distant lands to find and appreciate harmony in your home!

PS… If you would like help in creating harmony in your home click here for a complimentary Success Strategy Call!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary




4 Simple Spring Cleaning Tips for Home Harmony

Outdoor Furniture ImageYay, it finally feels like Spring! What does Spring mean in New England? It means finally shedding the big, puffy coat, gloves & mittens! Seeing buds peak through the brown earth and the last bits of snow disappear. The kids are so excited that they are prematurely wearing shorts because the gray skies have begun to show signs of a shimmering sun. It is time to thaw out from a very long winter on the South Shore of Boston! It makes me want to throw open the windows and doors and hear the glorious sounds of birds and peepers. It feels like the world is ready to explode with brilliant color, serenading sounds, and the smell of fresh grass. Ahh, Spring!

In many cultures, springtime is a time of renewal and awakening. Innately our whole being wants to embrace the sense of rebirth. There are home habits that convey this need for rejuvenation of home, body, mind and spirit. The ultimate example is the yearly Spring-cleaning routine. Let’s look at 4 ways you can create harmony in your home during this season of renewal.

1. Outdoor Space
Time to sweep off the deck, patio or turn a grassy patch into an outdoor oasis. Take a moment to think about how you can add candles, lighting and flowers to create a splendid outdoor sanctuary.

2. Outdoor Furniture
Clean, polish, oil or paint your outdoor furniture. These items can have major wear and tear from sitting out in the elements and/or sitting in the dusty basement. Take some time to wipe down, clean and spruce up these pieces so that they are inviting. If they look worn and dirty you won’t want to use your outdoor space.

3. Add Color
Adding some new pillows with fun colors will breathe extra energy into your outdoor oasis. You will be excited to go outside and enjoy your new surroundings!

4. Heating Elements
Make sure that all of your heating elements – grill, torches, fire pits – are in good repair and ready to use. It can be very frustrating to have a beautiful evening pop-up where you want to entertain but you are out of propane for the grill.

These are four simple solutions to help you step into Spring with style, ease and grace!

If you would like your own success strategy plan tailored to meet your individual needs click here for a complimentary Success Strategy Call!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



Image Credit: Cool Furniture

Spring Clean with Ease

Wow, can you believe it is almost Daylight Savings Time?! This Sunday, March 8 at 2 a.m., is the time when you should “spring” your clocks forward an hour. Not only did I want to share that helpful reminder… (I know I forget half the time!) I also wanted to share some Simple Solutions on how to Spring Clean with ease! Despite the mounds of snow that are still on the other side of my door, I am hopeful that it will begin to melt and daffodils will begin to peak through. So, in honor of Spring and the glorious days of sunshine that are ahead I am sharing the video below to help you create a sparkling abode with effortless ease. Click on the image below!

Vlog 3-3-15 Image


Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



PS… I am happy to help you put a plan together that is tailored just for you and your specific needs. Click here for your FREE Success Strategy Call to begin creating the home, health & happiness you deserve!



Is Your Home Set Up for Love?

keys to the heartValentine’s Day is a much-anticipated holiday by both the young and mature in our house.  My youngest eagerly awaits the holiday party at school where she will make and share Valentine cards with her school buddies. I personally look forward to a romantic dinner, dark chocolate and sweet sentiments written in a card. For this Valentine’s Day I was asked to share secrets with the Metro section of the Boston & NYC newspapers and on the national TV program, The Daily Buzz, regarding maintaining a happy relationship and how your home can impact your love life (programming information for Friday’s shows can be found below.)

Your home is your sanctuary and it can be a place that supports an amazing relationship or it can be the place that triggers conflict. In this week’s article I will share how to create a space that supports lasting love and happiness.

Your home environment can give you a strong foundation for your overall well-being enhancing harmony in your life and relationships. Conversely it can also have a detrimental impact on you and your interactions. This erodes the footings of your life leaving you feeling off balance and out of sorts.

It is important to create a home environment that supports both or all individuals in a home. In years past, our mother or grandmother’s generation, men most often did not involve themselves in the design or aesthetics of the home. In today’s day and age, men want to be involved. They want to help create a space that they like and truly can call home.

Here is a simple solution that will help bring you together and create your Home in Harmony!

I recommend that each person compiles a visualization folder of the spaces and places that they love. Perhaps you find kitchens that have certain color cabinets or you love bedrooms with wide plantation shutters. Whatever you see that delights you, stick it in your folder and have your partner do the same. Aim to find at least 20 images that you love for your individual folders!

Next, share your folders.

Take time to really notice the details of each image the other person has chosen.

Choose at least 3 images that you like from your partners visualization folder. Explain to him or her why you like the images you chose. This will help you begin to determine what commonalities you share when designing the ideal space for your “couplehood”.  It is much easier to find the things you don’t like about someone else’s design ideas. This exercise helps you work together to create something that will nurture and support you as individuals and as a couple.

This exercise is fun to do whether you are thinking of designing a space or just trying to get to know each other a little better.  It also works well with anyone you are sharing an environment with so that you can create a Home in Harmony!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Christa O'Leary



PS… If you are trying to create a home that nurtures and supports you and your relationships, let me help you put a plan together to create harmony in your home. Click here to schedule your FREE Success Strategy Call!

Image credit to: