Step Through Your Fear

Blog Image 4-28-15Have you ever experienced this emotional roller-coaster? In one moment you feel the elation of an inspired idea and in the next moment your idea comes crashing back to reality because you realize that the logistics or work involved are daunting. This can happen in any area of your life, home or business… or all of the above!

I often see and am fascinated by the fact that if one of my Elite Private Clients face a challenge in their life, home or business that the same challenge will show up with another one of my clients. Similarly, when we survey the Home in Harmony Community we will often see trends in the questions or challenges they want solutions to. I assume that because there seems to be a theme in the past few weeks regarding feelings of fear related to moving forward with one’s passion or purpose it might be a great idea to give you some simple solutions to move you around or through what is holding you back.  This week’s article is all about stepping through the fire of fear and creating & living your passion and purpose!

Have you ever had an incredible idea in one moment and then the voices in your head tell you that it isn’t a good idea in the next? You go from feeling incredible to crushed in a flash? It can happen in any area of your life. Sometimes it happens in your business (or would-be business) or maybe it is the party you keep wishing you would host. But, as quick as the excitement hits, it disappears in a cloud of doubt.

I have clients and friends who will tell me, “Oh, I want to host a party but I can’t because my house doesn’t look like Martha Stewart’s.” Or, I will have prospective business clients say, “I have this great idea for a business but now is not quite the right time… I need to get more credentials or get out of debt.”  These two seemingly different stories are part of the same feedback loop in the brain that is telling you, you are not good enough, you need one more credential, you need to improve something first, or you don’t deserve living your best life now! I can tell you that you do deserve it, you are worth it, you don’t need any more credentials or improvements (until I am blue in the face), but until you begin to train your brain to believe that this is true, the needle or momentum in your life won’t change. Literally. It won’t change. You will stay stuck in the same place, the same pattern… gasp, gulp… forever!

I know that sounds dramatic, but it is the realistic reality. I have 2 simple solutions to help you break through the mental bonds that are holding you back.

First, take some time and write a letter from your future self to your current self. Picture yourself a year from now and write from the space and place you hope your life, home and business will be. It might look something like this…

Dear ____, I am so excited to share with you that this has happened this year! I want to thank you for taking that first step! Because you did _____, I am here!

Be creative! Think BIG & BOLD! Fill the pages with sincere affirmations and statements of gratitude. Think about your ideal life, home & business and what you hope it will look like a year from now.  Don’t hold back!

This will help you become crystal clear on what your ideal life, home and business looks like. This is the first step in creating the reality of your dreams.

Next, assess how long you have held on to pieces of this dream. Be real. Only you need to see the note to yourself. How long have you wished this was your reality but you haven’t begun to take the steps to create it? This will give you clarity around how stuck you are and what type of push will help propel you forward.

Lastly, look at your letter from your future self and determine what one thing you could do today to begin making your dream a reality. It only needs to be one small, concrete step. If you have always wished to throw a party but you are afraid to because your house isn’t in tip-top shape, clean out one drawer. This will move you one step closer. If you have always longed for a business of your own that allows you to express yourself, travel the world and help others, decide what that first step is that will get you a wee bit closer to your goal. Remember it is in the small steps that big obstacles are overcome.

PS… If you would like your own success strategy plan tailored to meet your individual needs for home, health, and happiness  click here for a complimentary Success Strategy Call!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



Image Credit: Moclug




4 Simple Spring Cleaning Tips for Home Harmony

Outdoor Furniture ImageYay, it finally feels like Spring! What does Spring mean in New England? It means finally shedding the big, puffy coat, gloves & mittens! Seeing buds peak through the brown earth and the last bits of snow disappear. The kids are so excited that they are prematurely wearing shorts because the gray skies have begun to show signs of a shimmering sun. It is time to thaw out from a very long winter on the South Shore of Boston! It makes me want to throw open the windows and doors and hear the glorious sounds of birds and peepers. It feels like the world is ready to explode with brilliant color, serenading sounds, and the smell of fresh grass. Ahh, Spring!

In many cultures, springtime is a time of renewal and awakening. Innately our whole being wants to embrace the sense of rebirth. There are home habits that convey this need for rejuvenation of home, body, mind and spirit. The ultimate example is the yearly Spring-cleaning routine. Let’s look at 4 ways you can create harmony in your home during this season of renewal.

1. Outdoor Space
Time to sweep off the deck, patio or turn a grassy patch into an outdoor oasis. Take a moment to think about how you can add candles, lighting and flowers to create a splendid outdoor sanctuary.

2. Outdoor Furniture
Clean, polish, oil or paint your outdoor furniture. These items can have major wear and tear from sitting out in the elements and/or sitting in the dusty basement. Take some time to wipe down, clean and spruce up these pieces so that they are inviting. If they look worn and dirty you won’t want to use your outdoor space.

3. Add Color
Adding some new pillows with fun colors will breathe extra energy into your outdoor oasis. You will be excited to go outside and enjoy your new surroundings!

4. Heating Elements
Make sure that all of your heating elements – grill, torches, fire pits – are in good repair and ready to use. It can be very frustrating to have a beautiful evening pop-up where you want to entertain but you are out of propane for the grill.

These are four simple solutions to help you step into Spring with style, ease and grace!

If you would like your own success strategy plan tailored to meet your individual needs click here for a complimentary Success Strategy Call!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



Image Credit: Cool Furniture

The Color Blueprint for Business & Life Balance

paint fan deckToday I am excited to speak to a group of women who come together to Believe, Inspire and Grow. The organization, BIG, asked me to speak on business, branding and life balance. As I thought about how to convey the lessons that I have learned over the years that have helped me design a flourishing business, create branding & marketing success and find balance in the midst of daily chaotic living, I decided to weave into the discussion the importance of color in each area. You might ask, “Why Color?” Color touches us on many levels visually, psychologically, physiologically and emotionally. Learning how to use color can impact the big vision for your business, create harmony in your home and help you stand out in the crowded world where new empires are built every day. In today’s article I will give you simple solutions on ways you can use color to create the life and business of your dreams!

What pops into your mind when you think about the following colors red, blue, green, yellow, and purple? Do you have a favorite? Is there one you really don’t like? Do they leave you with a feeling, sensation or emotional reaction?

Colors create a range of unique experiences for each person. Each individual has a distinct imprint associated with each color that has been stamped within the cellular memory of that person. This memory imprint or association can be connected to cultural, psychological, physical or emotional factors. Let me give you an example from my own experience.

When I was young, I had severe asthma brought on by physical activity or environmental allergens. My mom would notice my wheezing and head off to find my asthma medicine. Inevitably, it would turn into a bit of a cat and mouse chase with her trying to find me and me running away as fast as I could. Fast-forward thirty years and the site of purple creates a gag reflex in my throat. This involuntary reflex is solely based on the unconscious association I have with the color purple. This demonstrates the dramatic impact colors can have on us on both a conscious and unconscious level, psychologically and physiologically. It took me years to realize there was a triggered physical and emotional response created by the color purple! Begin to notice what colors you love and which ones you truly dislike. This will help you begin to determine which colors will support you in your life.

Studies have shown that colors have a physiological impact on your body. The color blue lowers your cortisol levels while the color red increases your heartbeat. Both of these scenarios can be beneficial in some situations and negative in others. What is important is determining when and how to use different colors to create positive results in your life.

Culturally colors have meaning. Determining what cultural color associations you connect with is important when deciding which colors to use in your life and business. Before choosing a color for your business and brand think about what the cultural connection is to that color. Are you connected to that cultural symbolism?

Marketing 101 explains how you and I don’t consider or even remember a product unless we have seen that product at least 7 times. In today’s chaotic world that number has probably started to rise because we are so inundated by a barrage of products and marketing tactics. One of the best ways to get your ideal target market to notice and remember you is by using colors to connect them to your business or brand. As a consumer begin to gain an awareness around the marketing tactics that your favorite and not so favorite brands use. This will actually help you move away from being unconsciously influenced to becoming a conscious consumer.

Mommy 101 intuitively tells me that certain colors are better in a home environment than others. If I want rambunctious teenage boys than I should use a color like red. Bright, vibrant colors might be fabulous in a gym or area where there is more activity. Soothing colors are best if you are trying to create a sanctuary of calm. Determine how you want to use each room in your home to help you create your Home in Harmony.

Take a moment to think about what your big vision is for your home, business and life. What color connects with this big vision? How can you use color to positively impact each area of your life?

If you want guidance on the best colors that will support you in creating harmony in your home and business, click here to schedule your Free Success Strategy Call!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



Image Credit: Anna Sundrud Trang



Success Strategy for All Areas of Your Life

Newsletter Image 3-24-15Are you wishing you felt that sensation of loving your home every time you walk through the door? Or, are you yearning for that sense of calm instead of frantically just trying to get through the chaos of each day? Do you sometimes dream that you were living your passion & purpose and making a difference in the world while abundantly being rewarded for your impact & influence? Although these 3 areas seem so vastly different, the way to attain the results in the least amount of time is the same. In this week’s article I will explain how to get clarity around your ideal vision and take the fast track to make it happen with ease and grace. I truly want you to begin fulfilling your dreams for your home, happiness and higher calling.

We all have dreams and goals. That being said, some people are clear on what that bigger vision of their home, health, happiness and higher calling looks like, while others are not. If you have a clear vision of the ideal version of your life I recommend creating a visual representation of it. If you are not clear on this vision and version, take some time to contemplate how that will look for you. When you get clear, create a visual representation of that ideal vision and version. When you gain clarity around your dreams & goals and then create a visual representation of this big vision you draw that ideal version of your home, health, happiness and higher calling to you. Some people call this the Law of Attraction while others explain it as your subconscious mind connecting you to the experiences necessary (and filtering those that are unnecessary) to create the bigger vision of your life. Whatever it is, it works. Begin here.

The next step, which is the key to whether you have a long and arduous journey or take the fast, grace-filled pass to your ideal experience is getting yourself in the proximity of people who are doing, creating and living the life you hope to create. You want to surround yourself with people who are doing, creating and living the best vision of your ideal life and excelling at it! This is true for your home, health, happiness and higher calling. Begin to surround yourself with people who are truly successful in the areas you wish to change in your life and model the strategies that have made them successful. This will help you quickly create the home, health & happiness of your dreams instead of meandering slowly on a path unsure of which direction to move. Those that have come before you have already forged through and created a worn path. Connecting to them and following their lead is a success strategy that will allow you to walk their path giving you the proven to work, easy and grace-filled fast pass to your ideal life which can make it a reality in days instead of decades. It has been said that “Who you spend time with is who you become.” When you get committed to modeling someone who has already created the home, health, and happiness you hope to achieve in your own life, you will see the results at a rapid rate. Get committed!

Get clear on your version of your big vision for your home, health and happiness. Make a physical representation of this ideal. This will help your subconscious lead you to experiences that will help fulfill your dreams and goals. Find someone to model because proximity will give you the power of effortless momentum. These two simple strategies will help you begin to design the home and life you love!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



PS…If you want to discover your fast action plan to fulfill your dreams let me help you. Click here for your Complimentary Success Strategy Session!


Image Credit:




Time Management & Home Design are Connected

Tony Robbins imageTony Robbins is an amazing inspiration! I love listening to his wise words and watching how he lives such an incredibly successful life! He is truly one of those mentors who walk their talk. Did you know that he wakes up on weekends and runs the equivalent to a half marathon? He manages an international company that motivates millions, he just wrote a best seller, and makes it his mission to feed thousands of less fortunate families each year. How can one person hold so much in their life while others struggle to get through each day, manage their to-do lists, or create the home & life they have always yearned for? The answer is simpler than you think! Let me explain…

There is a correlation between time management, life construction, and designing an abode that you love.

Those people who manage to accomplish everything in their day in a seemingly effortless way have perfected the science of focused attention. In my experience, as a mom, CEO, and author I know that I am able to accomplish many more tasks and goals when I have a plan in place and actually stick to it. It helps me stay focused and not get side tracked from the barrage of attention grabbers that could suck me in.

This skill is also helpful when designing a home that nurtures and supports you! Have you ever experienced going into a store and coming out with a few really cute items you fell in love with in the store aisles? But, after you return home you realize they are not the perfect fit, or you wonder why your home is a hodge-podge of styles? You look around your home not loving your space because it doesn’t flow with ease and grace.

I have seen this happen in the thousands of homes I have been in over the years. Similar to focusing your attention on the items you wish to accomplish in your day for maximum productivity and less distraction, it is helpful to determine what your ideal design looks like, and stay focused on the end goal so that you are not side tracked by all of the shiny objects that can catch your eye and leave you with a muddled mess.

Creating the home & life of your dreams is all about creating habit of focused attention. It is so easy to get distracted in today’s world leaving you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and living in chaos. You don’t have to be Tony Robbins to live an amazing life in an incredible home. Begin today to create the home & life you will love by deciding how they will look and focusing your attention on the steps to get you there.

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



PS… If you want help determining what is holding you back from creating your ideal life and home and what steps are needed to move forward click here for your FREE Success Strategy Call!


Image Source: Haute Time Magazine Spring Summer Edition