Author Archives: Megan Antlfinger

Harmonious Life Design

CO 403x435Imagine waking up in the morning revived, refreshed and exuberant to face the day ahead. As you begin to focus, you look around your bedroom with gratitude at the serene space that you know is both beautiful and created with healthful products that you know are beneficial to your body an soul.  You glance at a memento on your dresser that makes you smile in remembrance.  Before your feet hit the floor you have already had a few glasses of water that you know wakes up your body, flushes toxins, diminishes hunger and gives your skin that radiant glow.  As you begin to greet the day you know that you will flow with ease, joy and grace.

Does this sound like a fantasy? It doesn’t have to be! The Home in Harmony Lifestyle gives you the foundation to live this life! It is just a matter of finding tips and solutions that resonate with you and help you to build strong pillars to hold up the design of your life. The foundational pillars that are important to address include creating an inspired home, healthy body, calm mind in the midst of chaos and connecting you to your passion & purpose. I have brought together more than 20 of the world’s leading experts to share their tips and solutions for these 4 pillars.

Join me and internationally renowned masters for the Home in Harmony Master Class by clicking here!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



The Color of Home and Happiness

Pro Show House Pictures 169This month we have been focusing on how to best design health, home, and happiness in your life. One area that can have a major impact on all three is the use of color in a space. You have probably heard me explain how color impacts us psychologically and physiologically. The next step is learning how to choose colors that will have the most positive impact on you. In this weeks article we will take a look at 3 simple steps to help you choose a great color for your space! If you want additional solutions to health, home, and happiness get your FREE ALL ACCESS PASS to the Home in Harmony Master Class Summer Series which begins August 15th!

Recently many clients have asked me for help with color. It seems that with the burst of sunlight there has been a new found enthusiasm for color. People innately understand that the feel of their home can radically be changed by the color on the walls.  During the summer season people often opt for cheerful colors that will uplift the spirit. The question most have is how to pick the perfect color. Let’s take a look…

Create your happy place by going to your happy place. That is, think about the spaces and places in your life that have made or currently make your heart sing and your spirit soar. Maybe it was a blissful trip to Bermuda where you loved the pink painted houses and your fond memories make you giggle. Or, perhaps it was the orange leather chair in the ski chalet you would visit as a child that brings a warm glow to your soul. Remember those times, places and spaces and incorporate those colors in your current space to make it feel great!

Before you begin to decorate a room it is important to determine its function. Color plays a key role in setting the mood or tone. So make sure the color is in alignment with your objective for the space.

I often have people ask me to choose colors over the phone or online. This can be challenging without having a sense of the lighting. I always ask to see pictures of the space so that I understand how the room is lit.  A little trick is to use cooler colors in rooms without natural light from windows and use warmer tones in brighter spaces.

Color plays an important role in creating home, health and happiness. These three tips can help you choose the color that best supports you.

Additionally, I have lined up over 20 of the world’s leading experts to help you create an amazing home, vibrant health and ultimate happiness! Get your Free All Access Pass to the Home in Harmony Master Class Summer Series which begins August 15th! Learn the secrets of these incredible luminaries!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



Secrets to Health, Home, & Happiness

HiHMC Banner 230x192-2I hope the first day of April has you feeling energized with a spring in your step! It is exhilarating to hear birds chirping, see the buds starting to push their way towards the sky and feel the chill begin to thaw as the sun warms the earth.  It is a time of new beginnings, rebirth and renewal! Do you feel the energy? I am excited to share that we have caught spring fever at Home in Harmony Headquarters! A seed was planted in the Fall and the fruit of this labor of love is about to be revealed! I hope you will join me in discovering vibrant energy, clarity and inspiration! So let’s look at the keys of health, home, and happiness to help you create the life of your dreams!

Let me explain…

In the October I began to think about ways to share the secrets of health, home, and happiness in a bigger way.  I was also curious to understand what some of the biggest gurus in the industries of home, body, mind and passion & purpose had to say about creating inspired and vibrant living. What were their secrets? Did they know something that would be worth sharing? What if we could tap into their knowledge and experience? I realized I could combine these two things; my enthusiasm to share home, health & happiness in a big way with the secrets of leading experts! That was when the inspiration for the Home in Harmony Master Class was created!

Initially I thought to myself, how am I going to do this? How will I pull it off? How could I bring content to you that is worthy of your time? Well, the creative side of my brain began to spin and do cartwheels!  The concept of the Home in Harmony Master Class began to take form and as is true of inspired ideas began to take on a life of it’s own…

For the past six months I have been collaborating with prominent authorities in home, body, mind and spirit.  I have interviewed these gurus to learn their secrets of health, home, and happiness!  When this idea initially came to me I knew I wanted to bring you only the best! So, I connected with HGTV superstars and BRAVO celebrities to chat about everything Home.  I discussed optimum health & vibrant bodies with authorities that have been featured on Dr. Oz, CNN and in Health & Fitness. I listened to the core elements of finding calm in the midst of daily chaos from best selling authors featured on Oprah. I shared amazing conversations with individuals who inspire millions around the globe to find their passion & purpose. Now, I can’t wait to share these incredible luminaries with you!

The only thing that could be better than learning the secrets to health, home, and happiness from leading experts is to have this rare opportunity be FREE and have access to it within your own home at your convenience! I am thrilled to be able to give you, the Home in Harmony Community, this gift to help you design your inspired life!

You can get your All Access Pass here!

I hope the Home in Harmony Master Class will give you the key to vibrant and inspired living!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



Clutter Calm

Organized Closet

Organized ClosetI have to say that my internal instincts have triggered a need to organize and clear out my home as spring officially began on the calendar. I have even noticed other people listening to their intuitive guidance as garages are swept out and closets changed from the tones and textures of winter to the brighter, lighter hues of spring.  It is so energizing to clear the clutter and clean the house! This organizing, clearing and cleaning of one’s external world brings an internal sense of peace and calm. In this week’s blog we look at some simple solutions to make the organizing process a whole lot easier…

Our external world has a huge impact on our internal sense of well-being. We can harness the power of our natural instincts that urge us to organize, clear and clean during the spring season.  This and the following tips can help you efficiently and effectively manage the clutter and chaos, which will soothe your mind, body and soul.

1.  Don’t Organize

Sometimes in our need for perfectionism the idea of organizing can feel very overwhelming.  This can lead to stagnation or a complete roadblock.  In these moments move forward by focusing on what you can get rid of first. This will lighten the load of what needs to be organized, which will lessen the psychological burden of the task.  The very act of purging will make your space feel lighter and uplift your spirit.  This will give you the energy boost needed to finish the project.

2.  Fewer Favorites

It is important to have special pieces around your home that remind you of happy memories. These items bring a smile to your being on a conscious and unconscious level.  That being said, it is important to be selective with these happy-memory-making items.  Clutter is clutter, even with the “good” stuff.  If you have so many pictures and trinkets on your bookshelf that you can no longer see the special tokens it is time to pair down.  Think about removing a portion of the items and rotate them with each season. Leave your favorites out for the first interval. See if you actually bring out the one’s for next season. If you don’t, think about donating them.

3.  Destination Detour

That brings me to my next point, I don’t know about you, but I often have bags of items sitting around waiting to be given to this person or that charity.  Getting them to their final destination can be challenging for a whole assortment of reasons. The key is, if you aren’t able to get them to their intended destination within a week bring it to the charity drop-off box down the street. Those bags are still considered clutter (that is draining your energy) until they have found their way out the door.

4.  Seasonal System

Make a point with each season to notice what you have used or not. If you haven’t used it, whether it is a lotion under the counter, a can in the pantry or a sweater that has been sitting on the shelf, it is time to purge. When you do this on a regular basis you develop your own clutter clearing system that will help you all year long.

Designing habits that help create your Home in Harmony allows you to effortlessly create a sanctuary that nurtures your mind, body and spirit. Utilizing the natural rhythm of the season and developing systems to keep clutter at bay and organization as the default mode will help bring inner calm and harmony to every day living.

If you would like guidance to begin living your Inspired Life feel free to connect with me for a FREE 20 Minute Home in Harmony Lifestyle Private Call by clicking here!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



Image credit:



Let Your View Create a Calm Harbor

Open Window

Open WindowIn our fast-paced world, it is becoming more important to find ways to create inner peace.  Our minds are like the ocean, and finding calm and stillness brings a depth of clarity to our being. Our world is similar to turbulent waves that move and shift. Constantly creating unseen debris that swirls and becomes murky.  Our balance is challenged while riding these waves. Let’s look at some ways to help you move out of stormy waters and allow you to find the sanctuary of a calm inner harbor.

There are two things one can look at to begin assessing where your boat is anchored in the sea of life; your home and your head. These two areas, although seemingly very different, are interconnected and can influence how gracefully you maneuver the changing tides.

Let’s take a look…

Your thoughts create your reality. Your view or the way you think about life is your window to your world.  Although you and I may be standing in the same room, our experience is going to be very different depending on the window we are looking out to view the world. This perspective can be very different depending on our perception.  One person may look out the window and think it is a big scary world while another person looking out the same window might look at the vista with awe and appreciation.  Depending on your response this will in many ways determine your experience.  We often draw experiences to us to prove our thoughts were and are accurate.  Some people call this a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ while others call it the universal law of attraction.  Whatever you call it, it is important to begin examining the lens you view your world through.

An important part of understanding the depth and breadth of this ingrained viewpoint is to begin noticing the things that you are repeatedly saying to yourself throughout the day. Are they positive or negative messages? Are they depleting and focus on lack or are they supportive and life affirming?  Are they messages that you heard as a child that no longer support you? Begin to notice these habitual patterns of thought and think of uplifting sentiments and positive new thoughts that can replace them.  You have the power to make a new life template just by changing your thoughts, which determine the quality and creation of the beauty of your life. The simple action of noticing is the first step in creating a calm and peaceful harbor. The second step is replacing negative thoughts and attitudes with positive patterns that can steer you to your tranquil port.

Looking at your home through this same lens can have a similar impact.  What messages does your home convey to you day-in and day-out. Begin noticing how you feel as you walk through your space. Our spaces are often a reflection of what is going on in our inner world. When things are cluttered and chaotic are you feeling the same way inside? Conversely, your environment can have a direct impact on your mental state. If it is cluttered or filled with items that remind you of negative experiences, these things are speaking to your unconscious, draining your energy on a consistent basis.  Begin noticing how your home, and each room within your home, makes you feel. Are you supported and nurtured or are you feeling depleted? Begin creating a view throughout that will support you within.

Assessing the messages in your home and your head is the first step in finding a calm harbor. Noticing the impact of your view, within and without, can help you navigate your way to a beautiful vista that encourages the calm, peace and tranquility of a serene bay.

If you would like guidance to begin living your Inspired Life feel free to connect with me for a FREE 20 Minute Home in Harmony Lifestyle Private Call by clicking here!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary