StonesI am fortunate to be part of a mastermind group of luminaries (individuals who share and shine their light with the world).  We meet each month to share insights, encourage each other to grow and support one another personally and professionally. We had our first meeting of 2014 and the main focus of our discussion was looking at past and present goals.  The big question was “Where (personally and professionally speaking) are you?”  As we began to share our different experiences there were common threads that I could hear within each message that made me pause and reflect on how we are all capable of moving forward in our lives and reaching the goals we set out to accomplish and that there are specific techniques that facilitate the ability to meet our objectives and live our ultimate lives. Funny thing is that some of these insights might be different than you expected.  By implementing these strategies you can accelerate your ability to create the life of your dreams. These simple steps will help you become clear on your goals and develop quick and effective ways to manifest your ideal life.

Plant Clear Seeds

You might have an idea of what your inspired life looks like or what you would be doing to live the life of your dreams.  With the New Year, many folks begin to ponder these thoughts, envision their idyllic future and put goals together to make their ideals come to fruition. Gaining crystal clear clarity is essential to accomplishing your goals and bringing your dreams to fulfillment. Think about how it would look, feel, and smell. What sensations would you experience in your ultimate world?  This clear vision is the seed you plant that will encourage your dream/s to grow.

Focus on the Goal

It is important to focus on the goal without pushing so hard that you push it away.  Have you ever experienced wanting something so badly that you keep pushing to make it happen, only for it to be more elusive than it was previously.  Roadblocks and obstacles appear that weren’t previously there? I can appreciate this phenomenon.  As a Type A person, there have been many times in my life where I have focused in on a goal and blazed forward to make it happen.  Unfortunately, more times than not, this energy pushes the goal farther away leaving me wondering why things aren’t working out.  In recent years I have finally come to the understanding that we are better served to become crystal clear on the goal, which plants the seed of possibility.  From there it is important to step into the energy of ‘Allowing’.  Move with the natural rhythm of a greater power that taps into infinite potential and possibilities.

Take Small Steps

Strategically make decisions that will help you flow gracefully towards your goals without pushing them further away.  I suggest strategically because often times I see clients or colleagues spinning their proverbial wheels doing busy work that gets them no-where fast and leaves their dreams just beyond arms length, never to be reached.  Break down your goals into smaller steps so that the big goals don’t seem insurmountable.  When moving with the natural rhythm of the Universe nothing is impossible and small steps can begin to accelerate your momentum.

Celebrate the Past

The great thing about small steps is that they are achievable! I can’t say enough how important it is to celebrate even the smallest of successes.  I know in my own life that I often find myself moving forward towards the next goal or project without taking the time to notice how much has already been accomplished.  I think our culture exacerbates this experience and many find themselves not only disconnected from the present but, negating their triumphs by ignoring what has already been fulfilled. You might hear that it is important to live in the Now.  This is true, but it is also imperative to appreciate the past.  It is in the pausing, reflecting and appreciating that we replenish. This gives us the energy, passion and enthusiasm to continue moving forward.

Let 2014 be your best year yet! Clearly articulate and envision your dreams and goals. Plant seeds of clarity that when gently nurtured will blossom into a splendid life.  Move from a position of forcefully willing your goals to happen, which pushes your dreams farther away, to a place of graciously allowing the flow of natural rhythm to support you and your dreams.  Celebrate each small step as you gracefully flow in the life of your dreams.  These strategize will help you to accelerate the speed with which you manifest the goals you have set in motion for 2014.

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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