Organized Desk Space-Newsletter 8-27-13For many school age children summer days are relaxed, filled with sunshine and outdoor activities.  Stressors include having enough suntan lotion, whether the jellyfish have arrived or how late the curfew will be.  All that changes as the brisk breezes roll in and carefree days morph into structured schedules, homework and alarm clocks that are set way to early.  All of a sudden tranquil summer reading is completed and grueling hours of homework ensue.  School days have begun and it seems like the workloads have increased, the expectations are higher and the hours needed to maintain good grades are grueling. I recently listened to a mom explain how her high school age son maintained his fabulous grades by pulling the infamous college “all-nighter” on numerous occasions. He then had to meet the day ahead that included classroom hours, sport practice and more homework. He was so wiped out that by the time he made it home he was so exhausted he passed on dinner and went straight to bed.  This all-to-common event is obviously not good for the mind, body or spirit.  Let’s look at some ways to create a study space that will help your kids get great grades.

1. Quiet Haven

There is a reason that many college kids like to go the library to study. It is a peaceful space away from the action that promotes focus and concentration (which are fundamental in getting good grades). Creating a space that supports your child’s ability to focus will help them assimilate their school material.  Designating a space within your home that is a quiet zone during study time is ideal for optimizing good grades. This quiet haven should be void of electronic temptations like TV or video games.  This space should also be at a distance from areas that have a lot of traffic, are away from disruptive walk through spaces and where there is a lot of activity.  These areas disturb concentration and one’s ability to thoroughly absorb material that needs to be remembered or new ideas that are being created.

2. Away from the Bedroom

If at all possible it is better to make sure your child’s study space is somewhere other than their bedroom.  This might seem counter to the first tip.  Let me explain. We naturally associate different areas of our home with different activities. You might walk into your kitchen and begin to notice you are hungry or stroll by the bathroom and realize that you need to use the facilities or decide you want to brush your teeth. Because more than 85% of our behavior as a species is habitual we can use this innate instinct to help foster exemplary study habits or a good night’s sleep. But, we don’t want to confuse the two. It is important for your child’s bedroom to be associated with rest and relaxation to support a restorative environment allowing the body to be rejuvenated, especially with the stressors they are inundated with on a daily basis. Making the bedroom a study space provokes the brain to correlate the space with school pressures, which can trigger stress hormones that inhibit restful sleep. Find a study space away from the bedroom.

3. Conducive Color

Color has the ability to affect our psychological and physical body. You can use colors that are conducive for studying to improve your child’s ability to get great grades. For example, studies have shown that the color red elevates a person’s heart rate and increases their appetite. This would hinder and distract a child from focusing on their homework. Using blue which has a calming quality or white that fosters clarity and concentration would be better. Use color to help create a study space that encourages great grades.

Now that the crisp air has arrived, football and soccer have begun and homework is in full swing it is important to support your child’s scholastic endeavors by creating a space that encourages them to perform to the best of their abilities. Use your home environment to help them reach their academic goals and make great grades!

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Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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