Vast parts of the US are under a deluge of arctic weather. Freezing temperatures, blustery winds and beautiful snow will keep many inside. I am one of those who tend to get excited when Mother Nature forces our family to hunker down. It is nice to have a respite in the midst of our otherwise over scheduled lives. When the kids were younger I would stock up on essentials like water and non-essential ingredients to make the kids nachos, cookies and hot chocolate.
I also looked forward to sitting in front of the fire watching movies and playing board games that would keep us entertained throughout the day. In addition, I would give each person a “project” to do when they began to get restless. These “projects” would include overlooked household items that needed attention but were not a high enough priority to make it on the weekly to-do list. They would fall into the category of “I will get to that some-day”. Even in this home we have the disorganized drawer under the phone that originally held batteries, phone-books and notepads but now has a myriad of other items. Clearing and cleaning these overlooked spots will feel so good!
In every home I have been in (1000’s at this point) there are always areas that are neglected or overlooked. Even the most fastidious homeowners have areas that need attention. Initially you look at these areas and think to yourself, “I will get to that” but over time it moves to the back burner of your life. When this happens you might not even notice the disorder anymore but unfortunately your unconscious does! And it drains your energy and brings you down! Putting a plan together to attend to these “forgotten areas” will help you create home harmony.
Do you have places and spaces within your home that are “Forgotten Areas”?
That is… you would like to forget about them!
However… you can’t! And, the agitation makes you roll your eyes whenever they come to mind.
When you do think about those areas, you can’t remember what is there! Unfortunately, this is depleting your energy. It is a total energy zap!
You are not alone! So many people have this experience!!
Today’s article will help you with those forgotten areas that have become dark places that drain your energy.
Let’s look at some Simple Solutions to help you make your place look and feel great! When your space feels good, it lifts you up!
1. Fresh Eyes
One part of my business is helping showcase properties that homeowners and realtors want to sell. It is always so interesting to walk through these homes with the owners explaining what needs to be changed, organized, repaired or cleared. They begin to “see” the areas that they have left unattended for years, sometimes decades. Because of their desire to showcase the home in the best light, to ensure a quick and profitable sale, they begin to tackle the to-dos on a seemingly long list. Often times when the items have been tackled and completed they realize that they could have and probably should have done this years before because the space feels so much better and in turn, they feel better! I invite you to walk through your home as if you were going to put it on the market tomorrow. This will help you begin to see your space from a fresh perspective and might help to illuminate the areas that need attention.
2. Sidestep Overwhelm
As I walk through a home with a homeowner and realtor, I make a list of all of the items that need to be addressed. My goal is to include all necessary areas that will help their home look fabulous. That being said, I also want to ensure the client doesn’t move into a state of overwhelm. Unfortunately, as humans, when you and I become overwhelmed we can get stuck in a state of analysis paralysis. This brings any forward momentum or action to a screeching halt. When working with clients to showcase their properties or coach them in creating their ideal life it is important to create a structure that is manageable and straightforward. It is necessary to put an actionable plan in place that is realistic and creates the desired end result.
3. Get Help
It is important to realize that sometimes it is necessary to ask for help. There are two types of help that are important to evaluate, inside and outside. What I mean for inside is, you might have a family member or two, or a friend that can help you begin to navigate your way through the list you created. Today, on this snow day, I will give my kids a “project” that they can help with. A few weeks ago one of my kid’s was grounded so I kept that child busy all day with little projects. They had to tighten the bolts on the garage door, clean and organize the wrapping paper closet (which was actually a tall task after the holiday season) and clean their room. Sometimes it is hard to know where to begin and is necessary to bring in a professional from the outside with a trained eye. They can help you put a plan in place that is structured in a way to avoid overwhelm and ensures you keep the forward momentum heading to your ultimate goal for your home and life.
These three simple solutions can help you create your Home in Harmony. You deserve to live in a home that supports and nurtures your mind, body and spirit. Your home is the foundation of your life. Create and maintain a structure that fortifies your well-being.
Happy Soaring!