Quote for blog 1-20-15How is the start to your 2015? Have you begun to make those New Year dreams that truly inspired you into a reality in your home? How about your health, your happiness?  Or, are you beginning to feel defeated and uninspired? Have you gone back to the habits of your daily routine?

The fist step to making change is to assess where you are. From there you can determine where you want to be, what needs to be accomplished to achieve your goals and then to take action that is in alignment with your aspirations. This is true for every area of your life be it your home, health and happiness. One of the biggest obstacles to creating the life and home you love is the tendency to procrastinate. The, “Oh, I will do it later” syndrome.  In today’s article we will look at a few simple solutions to help you begin accelerating towards the ideal vision of your life and obliterate the tendency to procrastinate. Sound good?

Procrastination can turn the landscape of life into a quagmire that leaves you feeling trapped and unable to move forward.  Free yourself from the bondage of procrastination by utilizing these simple solutions. They will generate momentum allowing you to begin designing the home, health and happiness you deserve!

First, understand that your life is made up of thoughts and actions that are more than 86% habitual. These habits are ingrained and become the motor behind your motivation. When procrastination surfaces it is because your proverbial ‘engine’ has been hijacked by your habitual, auto-pilot behavior. The first step to removing this autopilot mode is gaining the awareness that it is just that. This will enable you to put your hands back on the steering wheel of your life. It is time for you to be in the cockpit controlling where you are going and your final destination.

Next, begin to put systems in place to reinforce the habits you want to form. Determine what your big vision is for you home, health and happiness and decide what habits would help you move towards this goal with ease and grace. Create a system that will help to fortify this habit in your life. For example, if you decide you want to be more organized, take small steps to clear clutter and organize specific areas. Decide on a specific time each day (one that is convenient for you) to begin to implement your new activity. Do this task at the same time each day. This will help you form a positive, life-affirming habit that will help you put your ideal vision on the fast track of success.

Lastly, rinse and repeat. When you feel you have created a helpful habit that is going to stick for the long haul, it is time to look at the next habit you can create to help move you closer to your ideal vision for your dream life.

Creating habits one step at a time will help you move through the blocks that procrastination forms and put you on a trajectory that will have you designing your inspired, healthy and vibrant home, body, mind and spirit.

Do you want to get on the fast track to creating your ideal home and life? Let me help you create your best year ever. What you need is a plan with simple solutions that work, and I can show you that.  Click here to see if you are a good fit for the Home in Harmony Community and if I can lead you to a life of home harmony, vibrant health, and true happiness!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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