Mood and Food ImageAt Home in Harmony Headquarters we are always excited to share ways to help you live your best life! In some articles we focus on the many different ways to design an inspired home, sometimes we focus on building a strong, healthy body, we may look at ways to find calm in the midst of chaos or we find inspiration around passion & purpose.  Each of these areas or ‘pillars’ is critical in helping you design your inspired life. In this 2nd article, in the two part series on food, color, mood and energy we will look at the role food has on your overall sense of well-being.  This subject makes me wonder, if you knew you could change your mood with food, would you choose different options on your plate? Let’s take a look at the relationship between your mood, the food you consume and simple solutions to help you find great health and happiness!

Have you ever noticed feeling tired, irritable and melancholy after your midday snack? Maybe you went to the vending machine, coffee shop or snack drawer to nibble on something sweet or salty to help stave off hunger until dinner or give you a little sugar boost to get you through the rest of the day.  But, after thirty minutes you find yourself irritable and wishing you could take a nap.  Or, after a super-size meal you are ready to go put your feet up and sleep it off.  This sharply contrasts the experience of sipping on a green smoothie or nurturing your body with fruits and vegetables.  Well, come to find out, there is science behind your experience and it shows that food plays a major role on your mood!

Skip the Sugar

It has been proven that simple carbohydrates like sugar, found in candy, sugary drinks, and cookies, bring your mood down. To elevate your mood try some complex carbohydrates that are high in fiber. These can be found in the tan shades of the whole grains.  Your body will convert these feel good complex carbohydrates into serotonin that calms your state of mind and decreases your appetite.

Omega 3’s

It amazes me that food can help change our moods. Research shows that low levels of Omega 3 is linked to depression, pessimism and impulsivity.  Add a little pink to your diet with some wild salmon that is loaded with this beneficial nutrient.

Iron & Thiamine

Research has shown that a lack of iron can create depression and fatigue. According to the Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science, getting to little thiamine can create inactivity, fatigue, a decrease in self-confidence and overall wellbeing. Include the dark green color of kale to help increase your iron and thiamin.


Consuming products that are high in saturated fats have long-term ramifications.  The extended impact has been linked to dementia and depression. The immediate effect is that it leaves you feeling sluggish and worn out. It is no wonder that after my chocolate peanut butter cup on Mother’s Day I was ready for a nap!

When you begin to look at food as something that can nourish and nurture you OR deplete and depress you it is easier to make healthy choices that support your life and well-being in every way! So, again I ask… If you knew you could change your mood with food, would you choose different options on your plate?

If you would like guidance to begin living your Inspired Life feel free to connect with me for a FREE 20 Minute Home in Harmony Lifestyle Private Call by clicking here!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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