Remember back to when you moved into your first place and were excited at the space you could create and call your own. Can you recall the feelings of eager anticipation as you began to design your space that seemed to be a metaphor for your life and the exciting experiences and opportunities that lay ahead? Do your feelings for your home and life match the enthusiasm that you once felt or know that you could feel?
Your home is the foundation of your life, either supporting and nurturing you psychologically, physically and spiritually or depleting you on all levels. Learning how to create a space that optimally supports your health and harmony is a fundamental element to live to your highest potential.
Let’s look at some examples…
Colors have an incredible impact on your mind and body. Color can literally change your body chemistry and create an emotional response in the brain. Different colors stimulate the brain to feel a range of emotions from anger and aggression to hunger or calm. Specific colors can cause an increase in heart rate or a cooling effect on the body. Taking color into consideration and utilizing it to maximize your optimal environment is key when designing your home that impacts your life.
The materials and products you bring home can either support or deplete your efforts in creating a body full of energy, vitality and great health. Your health has an impact on all other areas of your life whether it is emotional wellbeing or clarity of mind. Understanding that toxins lurk in the home furnishings, rugs, paints, cleaning products and air fresheners is the first step in creating a healthy, non-toxic home. My mantra has always been “Knowledge is power. It gives you the power of conscious choice.” This allows you to consciously choose what you want in your home instead of inadvertently bringing harmful products inside that are often misrepresented by advertising and big business. Learning simple techniques, solutions and alternate options will support your goals for optimum health, vitality and harmony.
Your home is continuously whispering to your subconscious. These subliminal messages are in the objects, design and furnishings that form the framework of your home that has a direct impact on your sense of peace and satisfaction. It is important to understand what the feedback loop is saying and that it is on a continuous replay setting. You can change the channel to a positive frequency when you develop an awareness of the hidden messages in your space and replace them with positive vibes.
These are a few of the elements that can help you create a strong foundation in home harmony. Becoming aware of the impact your home has on your psychological, physical and spiritual well-being gives you the knowledge to make the best possible choices in designing your home which is integral in creating your best life.
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Happy Soaring!