shapeimage_4The holidays can be a hectic time of year filled with social commitments, family obligations, to-do lists that are miles long and full of unhealthy indulgences that make you feel tired and overwhelmed.  Here are 5 tips to help you manage the holidays and allow them to flow with ease and be filled with grace.



1. Gratitude Journal

The first suggestion is to give yourself a few moments at the beginning of each day to write about a few things you are grateful for…maybe it is a loved one or special friend that fills you with gratitude or maybe it is a cozy cup of tea that warms your soul.  Whatever it is, write it down. Focusing our thoughts on what we are grateful for places our attention on something positive. The things we place our attention on in our lives expand.  By doing this each morning before we start our day helps to set the tone for the rest of the day bringing more experiences into our lives that will fill us with gratitude. Taking this time each morning to focus on the things that are truly important to us and fill us with gratitude allows us to be more aware of what is really important.

2.  Give to Someone in Need

The second suggestion is to take a moment to really give to someone in need.  I know it might seem counter intuitive to add something to your ever growing list.  If you are feeling exasperated by the notion of spending more time or money on another charity or person, let’s look at this a little closer.  In the past, as a family, we have given to many charities and written many checks.  Although these are important, I have found that it has really grounded me and the other family members to give when we have a better understanding of the people or person we are helping.  I want to feel that connection because it touches me at my core and makes me realize that my crazy schedule or commitments really are insignificant in the grand scheme of things.  I am blessed to be healthy and have people around me that love me.  When my children were young we had a wonderful woman who would come and help me around the house.  She was a beautiful soul who loved to watch my children play.  She and her husband had come upon hard times because he had been diagnosed with a severe form of Lou Gehrig disease. It was sad to watch this beautiful soul take on the weight of taking care of the man she loved and their financial situation that was now her responsibility. I knew that she loved to cook but couldn’t afford many of the healthier options and she was unable to prepare a big Christmas dinner that she had once enjoyed serving her family.  Our family decided that we wanted to give this beautiful soul the gift of a Christmas dinner and we would provide the ingredients for her to create her tradition for those she loved.  We surprised her at her home with loaded down with all of the fix-ins she would need… a turkey, potatoes, cranberry sauce, eggnog, cakes and pies and anything we could think of that would help this women and her family enjoy their Christmas Day.  Each year this tradition would help me to look outside of my own busy schedule and crazy circumstances which helped me look at the bigger picture in life.  It helped me to see and appreciate my blessings more clearly.  The gift we gave her each year was really a gift given to us. It made the idea tangible for my children that there really are people in the world who are suffering and we can be part of the solution. I would drive away from that home with tears streaming down my cheeks understanding that my to-do list was really insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

3.  Create a Priority List

Speaking of to-do lists.  If yours is a mile long, then it is time to sit down and examine, prioritize, structure and eliminate.  For this suggestion you will need a calendar to help structure your list.  First, go through your list and determine which items are the most critical and need to get done right away. Add these items to your calendar where they will get completed in the coming days.  Now go through the rest of your list and prioritize the rest of the items. Can you break some of the larger items into smaller parts.  For example, holiday shopping is too big a criteria.  Look at how you can make that big umbrella turn into smaller components. Christmas shopping can include, stocking stuffers, presents for friends, presents for the young kids, presents for the teenagers and food shopping.  Notice if there are items that can wait until after the holidays to lighten up your load. Now put the remaining items on your calendar to be completed on or by a specific day.  This will give you relief in knowing that you have a date scheduled to complete each item.  You don’t need to stress about when you are going to get it done because you know exactly when you are going to complete each task. Enjoy crossing the items off your calendar!

4. Set a Holiday Intention

I was inspired on my yoga mat today which brings me to my forth suggestion. The yoga instructor suggested that we set an intention for not only our class but for the day ahead. She also suggested that we choose an item that we look at often throughout the day, that could help remind us of our intention. I pondered on this for a bit realizing that this was a great way to bring our attention not only to our intention but to the here-and-now at any moment of any day. It made me realize that this idea was applicable and helpful for the holiday season. As I began to slowly exhale, my intention for the season began to surface  ~flow with ease~ As I took a deep breath in the second part of my intention emerged ~filled with grace~. I wear a special necklace that reminds me of my connection to the Infinite. During this season I intend to remember my Holiday Intention whenever I see my necklace or rub it with my fingers. This will ground me and act as a constant reminder that with this holiday season I am going to Flow with Ease and be Filled with Grace. What is your intention for this holiday season?

5. Take Care of Your Body

As we get caught up in the festivities and enjoy many social obligations we can eat rich sugar and fat laden foods, overindulge in drinks and deprive ourselves of sleep.  This coupled with the stressors that the holiday season can bring are a recipe for exhaustion, sickness and depression. Give your body the added boost and benefit of mindfully choosing healthy options to eat and drink.  If you know you are going to be in a situation where good healthful options are not going to present themselves, plan ahead.  Eat something healthy before you walk into that soiree.  When ordering drinks, ask for an extra splash of soda water or juice, and try having a glass of water between each cocktail.  It is important to keep your body hydrated so that you don’t turn to other things that your body really doesn’t need.  This will help you to eliminate extra calories, fat, salt, sugar and alcohol that can be so prevalent during a holiday party. Also, remember that our sleep is extremely important in keeping our bodies and minds feeling balanced, vibrant and healthy.

I hope these five suggestions will help you move through the holidays experiencing flowing ease in all areas of your life and filling your days with grace, joy and peace.

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary




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