Workout Image-empowered life fitness dot comI wrote that subject line for a reason. Did it get your attention?

You have probably heard that it is important to work smarter not harder and what I wrote above is the opposite. Why would I do that?

In today’s article I explain how our culture encourages working harder, faster and more, more, more (working harder not smarter). Unfortunately this mindset paradigm sets you up to feel overwhelmed and to burn out quickly. It couldn’t be further from helping you live a successful, productive and happy life.

Let’s look at how to step off the proverbial treadmill that society has manufactured so that you can create your own rules and a strong foundation to help you thrive.

To strategically work smarter than harder in today’s whirlwind culture it is critical to develop the ability to think clearly. This can be challenging when the barrage of life is flowing at you, constantly. That is, you become inundated with your to-dos, obligation, needs of other and the technological world that are all vying for your attention. And, you only have so much attention to go around.

So let’s look at how to go from cluttered, chaotic overload to clear & inspired living.

First of all, realize that when you begin to make space in your mind and life, things feel calmer, clearer and give you clarity to take control.  You might ask, “But, how do I do that when things are so piled up?” Good question! Here are a few tips…

Find the fun! When you put that to-do list aside and take a few moments, hours or days to just have fun, you are able to clearly assess the priorities in your life. Joy helps your mind, body and spirit feel alive and fulfilled. Your adrenals take a much-needed break and your happy hormones kick in. This allows you to have a fresh perspective and new insights that might be missed when you are gasping for air from under the pile of demands.  Make fun a priority!

Quiet your mind by starting an activity that doesn’t involve doing but instead being. Our culture promotes a lot of doing! Jump off that train and think of an activity you can do that will literally train your brain to take some time-out. Things like dancing, singing, meditating, riding a bike, drawing and yoga are all examples of focusing on Being in the moment. These types of activities allow your brain to be focused on the present instead of worrying about the past or future.

Begin to notice activities that you do on a regular basis that “suck your time”.  Are you on social media for more than 20 minutes in a day? Is this helping you create the life you hope to design? Keep a notepad with you for a day writing down 15 minute increments and jot down what you are doing during those periods of time. This eye-opening activity will give you insight into how the minutes of your day are really spent and if they are helping you live a successful, productive and happy life.

Clarity will help you get off the cultural treadmill that promotes working harder not smarter. Why set yourself up for overwhelm and burnout when you can move with ease and grace through your life.

It’s time to bring joy and fun into your experience so that you can create your own rules and strong foundation that will allow you to build the life of your dreams!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



photo credit: empowered life fitness dot com


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