Clutter PictureClutter can get the best of us! Even when you are organized it is amazing what you can find in a closet that you know longer need. Going into homes to help showcase them to sell or create a beautiful environment to nurture inhabitants gives me the inside scoop on what is truly happening behind closed doors in our culture (whether those doors are the front door or a hidden cabinet.)  The amount of Stuff is unprecedented! This is evident in our homes and lives!

It happens to the best of us, despite one’s efforts to keep clutter at bay.  Here’s why…

Fear is the number one reason people hold on to Stuff that clutters their homes and lives!

Today I walked through a beautiful old home with majestic waters views and was amazed at the amount of Stuff that would need to be removed! Many items needed to be donated, stored or thrown out.

Can you relate?

The homeowner had trouble parting with items even when she considered many items “tacky”. The dilemma was that these items held memories that she was afraid she would give up or lose if she let go of the physical object.

Do you have items in your home you only keep because they hold memories of times past?  They are stored away because you really would prefer not to have them out in plain sight?

Is it time for you to clear this type of fear-based clutter from your home & life?

Maybe it is time to come up with an alternate plan for these hidden memory mementos. Below you will find 2 Home in Harmony Simple Solutions to help you get the clutter under control.

Do you feel you need an individualized plan to bust through the block that clutter creates in your mind and home? Is fear-based thinking sabotaging your version of your best life? Please know there are simple solutions to get you to where you want to be…Let me help you find simple solutions that will release you from the clutter.

Click here to grab a time on my calendar.

Home in Harmony Simple Solutions:

One Home in Harmony Simple Solution is to put together a scrapbook that stores images of these memory mementos. Yes, take pictures of your favorite items you refuse to put out on display and place them in a scrapbook. Does that sound crazy? A scrapbook filled with images of objects in your home? This will allow you to “hold on to” the memory mementos that are a reminder of times past without cluttering up your home taking up excessive storage space . If that seems silly, then maybe it is time to decide whether or not you can part with the keepsakes all together.

The second Home in Harmony Simple Solution is to face your fear!  Sometimes holding on to items is based on feelings of apprehension about the future. As you look at an object, ask yourself, “Why am I compelled to keep this item?” Is it because you are afraid that wonderful memories won’t be experienced and created going forward? These questions will help you get to the root of why you hold on to these objects.

When you release this block that’s congesting your home and happiness you can step into your full power.  Seeing the impact of fear based living inspired me to GIVE you a FREE Shift Your Life Strategy Session to help you clear the clutter from your home & life, connect you to a positive belief system and help you to take clear action to create the home, life and business of your dreams!

Click here if you want your FREE session now.

Gaining clarity around what objects are in your home and why they are there will help you create harmony in your home.  Understanding how this is holding you back will release the fear and move you forward to design the life of your dreams…  YOU deserve to be free of the clutter that holds you back from creating the BIGGEST and BEST version of your home, happiness and life!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



P.S…If you need clarity around the clutter in your home and life let me help you get clear, unstuck and move beyond the fear that is holding you back from your Home in Harmony!

Click here to secure an appointment with me.







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