Welcome HomeDid you know that you can “use” your home to help you change things in your life! Perhaps you are hoping to find a sense of peace, manifest your dream partner, attract abundance in your life, motivate you to be the best you can be, create more self esteem, learn to relax, achieve your personal goals in life, think and act in a positive way, increase your creativity, find fulfillment, stop procrastination, have less stress, achieve success and improve your health! Your home can help you with all of these! In the following article we will begin to uncover how you can use your home to begin designing your ideal life!

Your home is constantly sending you messages on an unconscious level. These messages either support you and your hopes & dreams –Or– they create obstacles that hinder optimal vision. Think of it a bit like a nagging aunt who might tell you again and again that something you are doing is bad. This makes you feel uncomfortable, resentful and brings up a whole assortment of negative feelings. Eventually you tune out that person… but, unfortunately your unconscious is still getting those messages loud and clear! This brings down you and your energy. It is like a tire being deflated every time you see the person or are reminded of them in some way. This is analogous of your home.

This little exercise will help you determine what your home is whispering to you:  As you walk through your home think of it as if it were speaking to you. What is it saying? Does it match your vision, hopes and dreams for your life? Or, is it sabotaging you at every corner?  Are you feeling energized, relaxed and fortified? If not, why not?

The good news is that know matter what the current vibe it is giving you, you can begin to make changes today to support you in any area of your life. For example, if you are trying hard to lose a few extra pounds for the coming season, begin to really notice the items in your home and ask yourself, “Are they supporting my ultimate plan?” If you have cookbooks lining your bookshelves filled with pie and chocolate cake, maybe it is time to put those away and replace with a series on seasonal salads or smoothie recipes. Unfortunately, those calorie-ridden cookbooks literally ‘scream’ at your unconscious sending out messages that block your ardent attempts at weight loss. The same could be said if you are feeling down. Notice what items in your home align with these despondent feelings. Maybe it is time to remove the beautiful picture of the women wistfully looking out at the horizon trying to get a glimpse of her long lost love. Despite the regal beauty of the picture the unconscious connection to love lost and loneliness is evident when you begin to become aware that the items in your home speak volumes to you on many levels. Begin to notice what these items are saying!

Begin to fill your space with colors, furniture and items that bring you pleasure and delight! Find items to put in your space that uplift and align with your dreams & goals. Your home can inspire you to begin living the vision of the best version of you!

If you would like guidance to begin living your Inspired Life feel free to connect with me for a FREE 20 Minute Home in Harmony Lifestyle Private Call by clicking here!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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