Open WindowIn our fast-paced world, it is becoming more important to find ways to create inner peace.  Our minds are like the ocean, and finding calm and stillness brings a depth of clarity to our being. Our world is similar to turbulent waves that move and shift. Constantly creating unseen debris that swirls and becomes murky.  Our balance is challenged while riding these waves. Let’s look at some ways to help you move out of stormy waters and allow you to find the sanctuary of a calm inner harbor.

There are two things one can look at to begin assessing where your boat is anchored in the sea of life; your home and your head. These two areas, although seemingly very different, are interconnected and can influence how gracefully you maneuver the changing tides.

Let’s take a look…

Your thoughts create your reality. Your view or the way you think about life is your window to your world.  Although you and I may be standing in the same room, our experience is going to be very different depending on the window we are looking out to view the world. This perspective can be very different depending on our perception.  One person may look out the window and think it is a big scary world while another person looking out the same window might look at the vista with awe and appreciation.  Depending on your response this will in many ways determine your experience.  We often draw experiences to us to prove our thoughts were and are accurate.  Some people call this a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ while others call it the universal law of attraction.  Whatever you call it, it is important to begin examining the lens you view your world through.

An important part of understanding the depth and breadth of this ingrained viewpoint is to begin noticing the things that you are repeatedly saying to yourself throughout the day. Are they positive or negative messages? Are they depleting and focus on lack or are they supportive and life affirming?  Are they messages that you heard as a child that no longer support you? Begin to notice these habitual patterns of thought and think of uplifting sentiments and positive new thoughts that can replace them.  You have the power to make a new life template just by changing your thoughts, which determine the quality and creation of the beauty of your life. The simple action of noticing is the first step in creating a calm and peaceful harbor. The second step is replacing negative thoughts and attitudes with positive patterns that can steer you to your tranquil port.

Looking at your home through this same lens can have a similar impact.  What messages does your home convey to you day-in and day-out. Begin noticing how you feel as you walk through your space. Our spaces are often a reflection of what is going on in our inner world. When things are cluttered and chaotic are you feeling the same way inside? Conversely, your environment can have a direct impact on your mental state. If it is cluttered or filled with items that remind you of negative experiences, these things are speaking to your unconscious, draining your energy on a consistent basis.  Begin noticing how your home, and each room within your home, makes you feel. Are you supported and nurtured or are you feeling depleted? Begin creating a view throughout that will support you within.

Assessing the messages in your home and your head is the first step in finding a calm harbor. Noticing the impact of your view, within and without, can help you navigate your way to a beautiful vista that encourages the calm, peace and tranquility of a serene bay.

If you would like guidance to begin living your Inspired Life feel free to connect with me for a FREE 20 Minute Home in Harmony Lifestyle Private Call by clicking here!

Happy Soaring!


Christa O'Leary



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